It is with deep regret that we record the almost sudden death of Mr. Thomas George Robinson, of the well-known firm of Messrs. T. G. Robinson & Co., auctioneers of this town. Those who were in familiar intercourse with Mr. Robinson at the Stock Fair on Wednesday and Thursday last, and who saw him officiate, with his usual good humor and cheerfulness, at the sale of the Yetman horses on Saturday last, can hardly realise the fact that one of such active, energetic habits has joined the silent majority, and that his familiar face will no more be seen amongst us. The news of his illness on Monday morning did not excite any great alarm, as the exact cause of it was not known; but later in the day when it was ascertained that his medical attendant had given up all hope of his recovery a feeling of regret at the untimely occurrence was universal. This feeling was intensified yesterday morning when the news of his death at an early hour, became known, and almost every business place in the town wore the insigna of mourning. The deceased gentleman was a native of Wilberforce, New South Wales, and his father and mother are both living and are residing in their old home in the adjoining colony. Mrs. Robinson, senr., is 80 years of age and is in vigorous health. Upon his arrival in Queensland Mr. Robinson resided in Ipswich; but subsequently, believing that Toowoomba offered a more extended field for his energies, he settled here in 1860, and the tannery now in the occupation of Messrs. Beer Bros, was erected and conducted by him. He sold out of this business, and laid the foundation of the auction and agency business, which has since become so widely known throughout the Darling Downs district. The deceased gentleman in former years took an active part in public matters, becoming a member of the Municipal Council, and he was also for one year Mayor of Toowoomba. Of late his business engagements have been of such a multifarious character, that they have absorbed the greater part of his time, still he was not at all backward in promoting measures calculated to benefit the town, and advance its interests. In his business arangements there can be no question that he was of great assistance in establishing Toowoomba as a commercial entrepót. He was one of the first to suggest the Stock Fair which was held last week, and which with all its drawbacks, was a success. To ourselves and to others he pointed out its defects, and made valuable suggestions whereby it could be considerably improved next year, and better results obtained. Although Mr. Robinson, like other frail mortals, had his faults, they were far out-numbered by his good qualities and generous disposition. The valuable assistance he has given to many of the selectors of the district in providing them with cattle and sheep to assist them in establishing homes, will cause his memory to be cherished with gratitude and affection by many. We know of instances where he has provided almost the entire stock required on a selector's selection, and has given ample time to pay for them; and when the seasons have been unfavorable he has given almost unlimited accommodation, without charging the interest of a usurer. In this respect his loss will be felt by many in this district, and a gap has been created by his death which it will be difficult for some time to fill. The deceased gentleman leaves a wife and a large family to mourn their loss; but it is some consolation to them in their heavy bereavement, to know that they have the warm sympathy of the entire population of this district. The cause of death was a rupture of the intestines. The injury is supposed to have been inflicted some time ago on a sea voyage, and although the deceased, now and again, complained of pain in the region of the injury, no serious effects were felt. However, on Sunday morning last, when shaving, he was seized with sudden pains which gradually grew in intensity until a short time before his death, which took place yesterday morning at three o'clock. Throughout his illness Mr. Robinson was perfectly conscious, and remained so up to within five minutes of his death. The funeral will take place to-day, leaving Hursley, near the Racecourse, at half-past ten o'clock, for the Toowoomba General Cemetery.
'Robinson, Thomas George (1834–1883)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 8 February 2025.
3 February,
New South Wales,
28 March,
(aged 49)
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.