On the night of Monday last, at his residence, Retreat, there passed away from among us one of the oldest bona fide pioneer settlers of the district. Mr. Andrew Doyle was born in Windsor, in 1815, and was, consequently in his sixty-third year. As a type of the Anglo-Australian, ere sickness and years overtook him and deprived him of his activity, few finer specimens could be found. A man of colossal frame, he stood among ordinary men a giant among pigmies. And large as was his frame, his heart for honesty and kindness was a fitting match. If fault were to be rebuked, the word of rebuke was not wanting, yet not unkindly given; while in cases of sickness or trouble the kindly enquiry or cheering word of advice, valuable from the large experience of the giver were never wanting. Over fifteen years ago, when the country now so familiar to us was almost a terra incognita, when men who came out here said "good-bye" to friends who hardly ever expected to see them again, Mr. Doyle, in company with other enterprising spirits, pushed out into the wilds and took up large tracts of country for pastoral purposes. The vicissitudes of squatting fortune, drought, floods, and disease, to say nothing of the dishonest practices of those days, at last compelled him to retire. But he had the satisfaction in his latter days of knowing that enough of his old vast domain is held by those of his blood and name to make it a power in the district. Of late years Mr. Doyle has suffered greatly from rheumatism, contracted, doubtless, in the old days when a saddle for a pillow and the heavens for a blanket was frequently the lot of those who made the far bush their home, but whenever able he delighted to visit the town, and wherever he went the kindly smile and respectful salutation was always ready to greet him. He lived to see most of his children grown to men and women, and his grandchildren approaching those estates, then, full of years, and respected by all who knew him, he fell asleep. His funeral which took place yesterday, was attended by a majority of the townsfolk, the places of business being closed as a mark of respect. Some there were whom circumstances prevented, yet felt none the less a sincere respect and regret at his decease.
'Doyle, Andrew (1814–1878)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/doyle-andrew-17539/text29220, accessed 4 February 2025.
15 November,
New South Wales,
18 March,
(aged 63)
New South Wales,