from Maitland Mercury
Our correspondent, writing yesterday, says: It is our painful duty to record the sudden death of a fine promising young lad, the member of a highly respected family in this district. From what we could learn this morning, it appears that Master Hilton Dight, aged about fifteen years, and son of Samuel Billingsley Dight Esq., J.P., of Clifford, near Singleton, went out opossum shooting last evening in company with several other persons. An opossum ran up a tree, which being perceived by the young man, he endeavoured to kill it by hitting it with the butt end of his gun. In doing so, the gun, which was loaded, went off, and the shot entered the throat immediately under the lower jaw, thereby killing the young man instantly. An inquest will be held on the body of the unfortunate young man to-day, when probably further particulars will transpire. The untimely death of this young man has cast a gloom over the town and district, as the deceased was much respected by all who knew him.
'Dight, Hilton James (1848–1863)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 10 March 2025.
4 September,
New South Wales,
28 June,
(aged 14)
New South Wales,