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Henry Angel (1836–1924)

With the death of Henry Angel, of Collins street, Wagga, at the age of 87, in the Wagga District Hospital early yesterday morning, Wagga loses one of its oldest pioneers, and incidentally one of its most respected citizens. He was a member of a very interesting family. Henry Angel was a link between the early history of this State and the times in which we live. His father, also Henry Angel, whose remains lie in the Wagga cemetery, was one of the party of explorers, led by Hume and Hovell, who discovered the Murrumbidgee and Murray, and Henry Angel, the senior, is believed to have been the first white man to swim the Murray. In 1845 he settled at Wardry, near Hay, there opening up the country much of which is now occupied by Uardry station. Henry Junr., married Miss Emma Terry, at Howlong Station, who however, died after giving birth to twins, one of whom died, but the other is still living, and is now Mrs Inglis, of Collins street, Wagga. The deceased came with his father from Wollongong to Riverina when he was a boy of eight or nine. The late James Gormly, the late John Hurst, and he were born in the same year, and they were all associated in their enterprises at various periods of their careers. In 1864 he came to Lake Albert, and engaged in grazing and farming, and there he remained until about twenty years ago. Meantime he had married again, his second wife being Mrs Cunningham, the mother of Mr R. J. Cunningham of Wagga. Their eleven children, of whom ten are still alive, are scattered over the State.

The surviving members of the first Henry Angel's family are Mrs John Hurst, of North Wagga, and Mrs Harris, who lives in Sydney. His brothers are Messrs Samuel Angel of Trail street, Wagga, who a few years ago, retired from active work, E. J. Angel, of Lake Albert, who is now recovering from a severe illness, and Mr James Angel, of Beckwith street, who is also improving after a sharp attack by an ailment from which he has suffered for years. When the mother of these ladies and gentlemen died in 1890 there were living no fewer than ninety grand-children and forty great grandchildren. She was described as a woman of strong and vigorous intellect and of a warm heart, extraordinarily resourceful, industrious, careful, and liberal. It would be interesting to trace the complete history of this family, which originated in Wiltshire, England, but which has become firmly rooted in Australian soil. The deceased leaves a widow and ten children, also 32 grandchildren and seven great grand-children.

Relatives and friends are respectively invited to attend the funeral which will move from Mrs C. Inglis' residence, Collins street, for the Presbyterian portion of the Wagga cemetery. Members of the M.U.I.O.O.F. are also invited to attend.

Original publication

Additional Resources

  • funeral, Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 11 July 1924, p 2
  • death notice, Cootamundra Herald (NSW), 16 July 1924, p 3

Citation details

'Angel, Henry (1836–1924)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


16 November, 1836
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia


9 July, 1924 (aged 87)
Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death


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