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Charles Solomon (1832–1915)

from Hebrew Standard of Australasia

The death occurred last Monday at his residence, Cooma, of Mr. Charles Solomon, the oldest resident of Cooma, if not of the Manaro district, and who was within three months of his 84th birthday. Serious symptoms of the illness which preceded his death were noticed shortly after his return from Sydney, where he had as usual, passed with his family the winter months. It is thought that on the train journey he was overtaken by a paralytic stroke, and his condition from that period gradually removed all hopes of recovery.

Mr. Solomon, who was born in London, came to New South Wales with his parents when he was two years old, and being then in a somewhat, delicate condition of health it was deemed advisable to send him to a cooler climate. He was accordingly taken to Bunyan, near Cooma, where he resided for some time, and as he grew to manhood he developed strength. In the early days he was no stranger to the hardships of the bush and frequently had charge of cattle being taken over the Victorian border. He subsequently established the business at Cooma which now bears his name, and which has been in existence about half a century. Of late years this has been under the control of Mr. L. S. Solomon, his eldest son.

During his residence at Cooma Mr. Solomon took an active part in public matters, and was practically the father of municipal progress, being unanimously elected the first mayor of the town, and for many years a member of the local land board. In charitable work his name stands out prominently, he having been one of the chief founders of the Cooma District Hospital, for many years holding the presidency of the institution, to which he gave valuable financial support. He acted as returning officer of the electorate for many years, was a member of the honorary magistracy, and a prominent member of the Masonic Order. On the establishment of the Cooma School of Arts he generously gave the site in Bombala Street, and has made several additional gifts, which enabled the management of the institution to enlarge the building, and increase its usefulness. Three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon celebrated their golden wedding.

In the field of sport Mr. Solomon was a prominent member and was one of the moving spirits in the formation of the Cooma District Racing Club. His name was always associated with various sports in the town and district, and he was the donor of numerous trophies to cricket and other clubs. He leaves behind him a reputation untarnished in his wide association with the district.

Mr. Solomon leaves a widow, four sons, and four daughters to mourn their loss; the sons being Messrs. Louis, Harry, Reginald and Clifford, and daughters, Mrs. W. O. Russell, Mrs. Albert Nathan, and the Misses Naida and Zara Solomon.

The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Albert Nathan, 'Adderton', Fullerton Street, Woollahra, last Tuesday, Rabbi Cohen officiating at the cemetery.

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'Solomon, Charles (1832–1915)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


London, Middlesex, England


15 November, 1915 (aged ~ 83)
Cooma, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death


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