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Elizabeth Alice Elliot (1831–1914)

from Horsham Times

By the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Alice Elliot, relict of the late Robert Elliot, which occurred on Wednesday night at the residence of her son, Mr. T. R. Elliot, of Brim Springs, another of the few remaining pioneers of the Wimmera has passed to the Great Beyond. Deceased, who was 83 years of age last April, had not enjoyed good health for a long time. She was a sister of the late Messrs Samuel, William, and John Carter, and arrived in the district with her parents at the age of seven years, and settled at North Brighton. She leaves a family of six sons and daughters, viz., Messrs John, Robert, Thos. R. Elliot, Mrs. G. T. Carter, Mrs. T. Brimacombe, and Miss Elliot. The funeral will take place to-day, the interment being made in the family burial place at the Horsham, Cemetery. The cortege will pass through Horsham about 2.30 this afternoon.

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Citation details

'Elliot, Elizabeth Alice (1831–1914)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]

Alternative Names
  • Carter, Elizabeth Alice

Tasmania, Australia


July, 1914 (aged ~ 83)
Victoria, Australia