Residents of Cobrico were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Thomas Grayland, which occurred at Cardwell, Queensland on Saturday. The late Mr. Grayland was well known in the district, residing at Cobrico for the past sixteen years, where in partnership with his son-in-law (Mr. F. R. Hawke), he successfully carried on dairying, until they sold the property in December.
The late Mr. Grayland was born at Cobden where he attended school and grew to manhood. He married Miss Kate Durbridge, also of Cobden and the young couple continued to live there for several years. They also lived for a number of years in the Maryborough district, returning again to the Western District to settle at Cobrico. After the disposal of the property the deceased, accompanied by his wife, daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren decided to have a rest and holiday, and tour parts of Australia. Purchasing caravans, the two families have been travelling north for the past seven months and had reached Cairns in Queensland. To the widow, only child (Mrs Hawke) and grandchildren—Barry and Jennifer—will be extended, from relatives and friends, deepest sympathy in their sad and sudden bereavement.
'Grayland, Thomas (?–1947)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.