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David William Gow (1834–1900)

At Belarbigill on Wednesday a magisterial enquiry was conducted by Mr. E. G. Dulhunty, J.P., District Coroner, into the circumstances connected with the death of Mr. David W. Gow, late postmaster at that place (as reported in our Wednesday's issue).

Sarah Gow deposed she was the wife of deceased; he was a native of Wilberforce, Hawkesbury River, and was 67 years of age at the time of his death; he suffered from heart disease and was for a time attended for that complaint by Dr. Gay; he had not of late been worse than usual, but she knew he was likely to die at any moment; on previous (Tuesday) morning he was in his usual health, and ate a good breakfast; he did no active work that morning beyond drawing a few buckets of water; he was sitting mending bags in the kitchen about 11.30, when he suddenly jumped up and ran and called out to her; went to him and found him lying on his own bed; he was black in the face; poured water on his hands and head and pound spirits down his throat; he never spoke, and witness believed he was dead then; he did not seem to suffer or struggle in any way.

L. S. Gow, son of deceased, also gave evidence. He deposed he last saw his father alive on Monday; he (deceased) was then at Mr. Bootle's; he was a steady man and very temperate; witness heard on previous day that his father was dying, and came straight home; on arriving saw him lying on the bed apparently dead then; was satisfied he had died from heart disease; deceased had not been able to do active work for some years owing to the state of his heart; he was a strong man except for the heart trouble.

His Worship found that deceased died from syncope caused by failure of the heart.

Mr. Gow, who was, as stated, a native of the Hawkesbury River district, was born in 1833, and came to the Belarbigill district upwards of 30 years ago. He leaves a widow and five sons–one son having predeceased him.

The remains were interred in the C. E. division of the general cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, Ven. Archdeacon Wilson officiating. The funeral was attended by a considerable number of town and district residents.

Original publication

Citation details

'Gow, David William (1834–1900)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


8 February, 1834
Wilberforce, New South Wales, Australia


20 November, 1900 (aged 66)
Wilberforce, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death

heart disease

Religious Influence

Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.
