We have to chronicle the death of another good woman, in the person of Mrs Sarah Gosper, wife of our respected townsman Alderman J. T. Gosper, J.P., who passed away on the 12th instant, after being bedridden for 15 weeks. The late Mrs Gosper, who was 63 years of age, was a native of the district, and the eldest daughter of the late John Pearson. Mr and Mrs Gosper were married 26 years ago, and lived continuously in the cottage on The Terrace. As one who had large-hearted sympathies for the poor and needy, and for those in distress or affliction, her demise will leave a void in our community that will be felt by many. All the neighbours went to her when there was sickness in their own homes, or when they were troubled, and and it was not long before Mrs Gosper was at the bedside of the patient — no matter what hour of the night the call came — or had comforted those in trouble and doubt. She was extremely benevolent, and was always ready to put into practice the scriptural exhortation 'bear ye one another's burdens,' and many times and oft proved to her own satisfaction that 'it is more biassed to give than receive.' Few know how many sad hearts this good woman cheered — how many hungry mortals she fed. A more industrious and hardworking woman never lived. Out in the early morning — and her early morning meant 3.30 and 4 am. — about the dairy work, she would do more before breakfast than many men — aye, men! — would do in a day. She was never tired — and was a model of homely cleanliness and tidiness. She will be missed — sadly missed — in the home from which she has been taken, but her husband and children have the comforting assurance that her bright and cheery presence, will be missed by many outside the family circle, and they also know that she did a wife's and a mother's duty, and that they were all in all to her — for though she did so much for others she left nothing undone at home. The late Mrs Gosper was a woman of splendid constitution, and had scarcely any illness till a few weeks before her death. Her last illness started with inflammation of the eyes; it went to the brain, causing neuralgia to the whole system, to which she succumbed. The funeral, which took place on the 13th inst. was very largely attended. Out of respect to their brother alderman, the members of the Windsor Borough Council walked before the coffin, which was borne to the cemetery by two of the Council's employees — Messrs J. Sowden and F. Davis, and Messrs W. Holland and T. Hulbert. The pall-bearers were Hon. W. Walker, M.L.C., Messrs Brinsley Hall, M.L.A., A. J. Berckelman, J.P., E. Bowel, J.P., W. Pendergast, E. Gow, J. T. Rowthorn. The funeral was a very large one. As the remains were borne into the Church, and as they were carried out to be laid in their last resting place, the Dead March in 'Saul' was played by Mrs Eather. During the service for the dead the hymns 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus' and 'Abide with me' were sung. The rector Rev P. W. Dowe, B.A., delivered a feeling address, sympathising with and comforting the relatives. That large concourse of people, he said, was an eloquent tribute of the respect in which the one for whom they mourned was held. He referred to her good wifely, motherly and neighbourly attributes, and as one who had lived well and whose deeds would get their reward. The Gazette joins with the hundreds of others who sympathise with Mr Gosper and his family. The children are Mrs Mudie and Mr Arthur Gosper. Over 250 telegrams, letters and cards were received by the family, and many beautiful wreaths were sent by sorrowing friends. In his sermon on Sunday night, the Rev. P. W. Dowe made special reference to Mrs Mary Holmes, and Mrs Sarah Gosper, who had each been buried since he last spoke from that pulpit. Incidentally, he spoke of the large number of the older generation who within the last year had been laid in that churchyard, including such names as Thomas Chaseling 75, Mary Holland 85, Thomas Primrose 78. Mrs David Gosper at the earlier age of 55 (these two being church workers had been accorded special funeral honors), Charlotte Ridge 85, Izetia Freeman 70, and now Mary Holmes 82, and Sarah Gosper 63. Besides these there had been buried a large number under the age of 50. He made sympathetic reference to the recently departed, both of whom he believed had been baptised, confirmed and married in the church, and had now passed through it on their way to their last resting place. The hymns and voluntaries were in accordance with the subject of the sermon — of a specially funereal character.
'Gosper, Sarah (1843–1906)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/gosper-sarah-24472/text33186, accessed 9 September 2024.
8 April,
New South Wales,
12 July,
(aged 63)
New South Wales,
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.