Quite a gloom was cast over the village of Ryde on Thursday morning on receipt of the intelligence of the death of Mr. Richard Rouse Terry, brother of Mr. Edward Terry, the newly elected member for Ryde. Shutters were put up at all the business establishments, and the Royal Hotel balcony was draped in black. The deceased gentleman was well known and highly respected throughout the district, and the news of his death came as a great shock to the community. It was pretty generally known that he had recently been suffering from attack of the prevailing complaint (influenza), and that although he had recovered from the attack it had left its traces upon him; but his most intimate friends and immediate relatives never dreamt that the end was so near. The immediate cause of death was failure of the heart's action. The deceased gentleman, it appears, had been engaged in a quiet game of cards with his son-in-law, Mr. Frank A. Muller, at his residence, 'Ealing,' Edgecliffe, and prolonged the amusement until a late hour of the night (Tuesday). Shortly after he had given over playing he remarked to his daughter, 'Oh, I can't breathe,' and expired before medical aid could be summoned.
The late Mr. Richard Terry, who was most liberal in his support to religious and charitable objects, was chairman of the Ryde School Board and one of the pillars of St. Anne's Church, Ryde. His remains were to have been interred in St. Anne's Churchyard, Ryde, yesterday (Friday) afternoon.
Mr. Edward Terry, M.P., was very much attached to his brother, and sincere sympathy is felt for Mrs Terry and the family by all sections of the community.
At Thursday night's meeting of the Marsfield Council, the Mayor (Alderman H. Lovell) feelingly referred to the subject, and moved that an expression of sympathy be sent from the Council to Mrs. Richard Terry and family. The late Mr. Richard Terry, he said, had been a good friend to the people in the Marsfield municipality. The motion was seconded by Alderman Adams (who said the deceased had been the most philanthropic gentleman in Ryde) and it was carried unanimously.
'Terry, Richard Rouse (1838–1898)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/terry-richard-rouse-16185/text28131, accessed 10 March 2025.
Box Hill, Sydney,
New South Wales,
9 August,
(aged ~ 60)
Ryde, Sydney,
New South Wales,