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Mary Isopel (Billie) Reynolds (1916–1987)

Billie Reynolds, 1942

Billie Reynolds, 1942

photo supplied by Margaret Wilson

Mary, known to everyone as Billie Reynolds, died suddenly at Bindawalla hospital on April 27.

Mrs Reynolds, daughter of Michael and Rose Meehan was born in Wellington in 1916. Her family owned "Easterfield", a property near Mumbil.

Her primary education was completed at Mumbil School and her secondary studies were done as a boarder at St Mary’s Convent, Wellington.

She trained as a hairdresser at Wellington and then opened a shop in Gilgandra. Two years later with the outbreak of World War II, she enlisted and joined the WAAFs. In 1942, she married John Reynolds, a serviceman then stationed in Darwin.

They returned to reside at "Easterfield" and to manage the family property until 1947. Their three children Janice, Margaret and Michael were born there and the family remained actively involved in district life during subsequent decades.

Her husband John was a councillor on the Wellington Shire for many years; both gave time and energy to local school, church and civic activities.

John died in 1978 and Mrs Reynolds moved to Wellington to reside in Whitely Street.

She was able to devote time to her great love, bowls. She became president of the Wellington Women’s Bowling Club in 1976 and in subsequent years became vice-president of the Mid-West District Women’s Bowling Association.

In 1981, she was elected president of this regional body, the first Wellington woman to be appointed a regional president.

Testimony to her leadership of women’s bowling associations was shown at her funeral. More than 100 women bowlers from throughout the Western region attended the funeral service and formed a guard of honour along Warne Street as the funeral procession left St Patrick’s Church.

Mgr Jennings presided at the funeral service on April 30 and the church was filled with her many friends – from the local Hospital Auxiliary group, the Catholic Women’s league members and other groups with which she was actively associated.

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Citation details

'Reynolds, Mary Isopel (Billie) (1916–1987)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Billie Reynolds, 1942

Billie Reynolds, 1942

photo supplied by Margaret Wilson

Life Summary [details]

Alternative Names
  • Meehan, Mary Isopel

27 September, 1916
Wellington, New South Wales, Australia


27 April, 1987 (aged 70)
Wellington, New South Wales, Australia

Religious Influence

Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.

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