Mr. Stephen Messinan Osborne, who died at his station, Bolaro, Adaminaby, on Wednesday, aged 67 years, was an authority on pastures improvement and the development of English breeds of sheep. He was a son of the late Mr. Pat. Hill Osborne, of Currandooley, Bungendore, a property now owned by the late Mr. S.M. Osborne's nephew, Mr. P.J. Osborne. When he went to Bolaro many years ago Mr. S. M. Osborne quickly demonstrated what could be done with artificial grasses. By careful selection and cultivation of pastures, he almost doubled the carrying capacity of Bolaro, and for many years the pit silos there, have contained enough fodder to last through any drought. He demonstrated his interest in national development in a very practical way; by training migrants on his own property and then assisting them to establish themselves on farms of his own selection. In 1924 he was appointed by the Government as a member of the advisory council, under the Community Settlement and Credit Act, and acted in this capacity for some time. The funeral was held privately at Bolaro on Thursday, the Rev. C. E. Nagle, rector of Adaminaby, officiating. Employees on Bolaro acted as pall-bearers, and assisted also in the carriage to the graveside of the many floral tributes which had been received from relatives and friend's of the late Mr. Osborne throughout the State. The chief mourners were Mrs. Osborne, widow, Mr. Henry Lawrence Osborne, son, and Miss 'Stephanie Osborne, daughter.
'Osborne, Stephen Messman (1871–1939)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 8 September 2024.
7 July,
New South Wales,
10 May,
(aged 67)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.