It was announced in The Advertiser on Friday that a very serious accident had happened that morning to Mr. Walter Le Page Muecke, a son of Mr. H. C. E. Muecke, Consul for Germany. By a fall from a load of hay he sustained concussion of the brain, and the injuries proved fatal. Mr. and Mrs. Muecke left Adelaide on Thursday afternoon and reached the college in time to witness their son's death, which occurred at about 10 o'clock the same night. Mr. Muecke only returned to the college on Tuesday after the vacation. Our Gawler correspondent, giving further particulars of the sad affair, says:—
Mr. Muecke was loading bales of pressed straw on the waggon along with some other students, and while the last bale was being hoisted he slipped into an opening between two other bales. His companions thinking there was some possibility of danger called to him—"Look out, or the bale will be on top of you." Forgetting that he was near the edge of the load, he placed his feet against the bale and pushed, when he was precipitated over the side, and falling on the shafts struck his head severely.
He was to some extent dazed after the fall, but with a little assistance walked to the college—a distance of about 500 yards. Soon after his return to the building he commenced to vomit, and for a short while felt better, but before the lapse of an hour he became unconscious and convulsions set in. A messenger was dispatched for Drs. Dawes and Popham, who put in a prompt appearance, Dr. Dawes remaining with the sufferer until about 10 o'clock, when death took place. Mr. and Mrs. Wuecke were telegraphed to during the afternoon, and arrived in Gawler by the express, being driven from thence to the college. The family physician, Dr. Marten, was sent for on their arrival, and driving from Adelaide, did not reach the college until about an hour after the young fellow died. Dr. Dawes did all in his power in the emergency, but the injury was of such a nature that he held out no hopes from the time of his arrival.
Quite a gloom has been cast over the district as well as at the college, where Mr. Muecke was a great favorite with the pupils and the professor. He was one of the leading students, and took a very prominent part in all athletics connected with the institution. Very widespread sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Muecke, as this is the second son they have lost very suddenly, the brother having been drowned in the Murray some time ago while bathing. The deceased was only 18 years of age. The remains were conveyed by the afternoon train to Adelaide. An inquest was deemed unnecessary.
As a mark of respect to Mr. Muecke a large number of flags were half-masted in the Port on Friday.
'Muecke, Walter Le Page (1875–1894)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.
16 June,
South Australia,
15 March,
(aged 18)
South Australia,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.