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John Loader (1844–1926)

Mr and Mrs John Loader, of Nobby Farm, Cowra Road, Young, died within a few hours of each other.

Way back in the early sixties, a man and his two sons, while making their way along the rough bush track, miscalled the road, from Goulburn to Young, were surprised to hear the sound of drums and the rattle of accoutrements and to see a company of His Majesty’s troops, fully equipped, stolidly marching through the virgin bush, nearly 200 miles from their base. Those were stirring times, and it was in the midst of the lawlessness and confusion of the Lambing Flats riots that William Loader and his two sons reached the district which was later to become the family home for many generations. The trio spent some time looking round for suitable land and then made the arduous trip back to Sydney. But it was not fear of attempting the stern fight with nature that drove them back to the comparative civilisation of Sydney, for shortly after they returned and three of them settled in a group at Woodonga, where up to that time, the virgin scrub had held undisputed sway. The three hardy pioneers carved a home out of the bush by dint of years of hard labour, undaunted by the vicissitudes and discomforts which were the common lot of that sturdy band of Britishers who pushed their way out of the unknown lands west of sunset and blazed the track of civilisation and progress.

William Loader, and his two sons, John and Jim, were no exception to the general run of these courageous pioneers, and they were called upon to overcome difficulties and put up with harsh conditions before which the stoutest would quail nowadays. The home having been built, the family settled at Woodonga permanently, transferring their belongings from Camden. They lived quietly in the new settlement, and were respected by all who knew them. The family was a large one, consisting of three sons and five daughters, all worthy children of splendid parents.

One of the sons, John Loader, died last Saturday at the advanced age of 82 years. He too, could claim membership to the splendid company of pioneers, whose ranks are gradually thinning. For 53 years he had lived and toiled in the one place. In the early days he was a carrier, and transported goods over the rough bush roads from Young to Sydney, braving all weathers and having to live on the roads for months at a time. Before the railway found its way out into the south-west, Mr Loader carried the wool from Moppity for the late George Tout, brother of the late Samuel Tout of Calabash Estate. Loader Bros too brought the first big steam boiler which was used in Watson’s old flour mill, which occupied the site upon which the Bank of Australasia now stands.

In 1873, the deceased married Louisa Close of Camden, and they settled down to a quiet life at Woodonga, carrying on the best traditions of their pioneer forbears. Here they reared a large family of nine children whose names are John (Grenfell), Thomas, David, Frederick (Young), Mrs T. Dawe (Temora Road), Mrs J. Bendle, Mrs W. Bendle (Monteagle), Mrs J. Cram (Beehive Farm), and Miss Phyllis Loader (Cowra Road). Two brothers and two sisters pre-deceased him, and the remaining sisters are Mrs W. Price (Young), Mrs S. Cooke (Young) and Mrs Irwin (Sydney).

The death of Mr Loader senr took place some few hours after that of his beloved wife. United in life, they were not separated in death and together they have gone to their just reward. It was a fitting end to a strenuous life, the trails and troubles of which the two of them bore together. Mrs Loader was also a native of Camden, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs J. Close. She died at the advanced age of 77 years, and, like her husband, she was widely respected and esteemed. Her brothers are Mr Alex Close and Mr Walter Close (Bendick Murrell), and sisters Mrs A. Richens (Three Mile), Mrs G. Richens (Nubba) and Mrs D. Wheeler (Sydney).

The remains of the late Mrs Loader were interred in the Methodist Cemetery on Sunday, the funeral being largely attended. The pallbearers were Mr W. Close and three sons-in-law, Mrs D. Cram, W. Bendle and T. Dawe. A similar demonstration of public respect was made at the funeral of the late Mr Loader, which took place yesterday, following a service by Rev W. C. Fullerton at the residence. The coffin was inundated with wreaths, and a long cortege followed the remains of the good citizen, husband and father, to their last resting place beside the grave of deceased’s wife. Rev W. C. Fullerton spoke at the graveside of the many qualities of the old couple who had gone, and of their valuable help at all times to parochial and charitable work. Among all the mourners were twenty-three grandchildren.

Original publication

Citation details

'Loader, John (1844–1926)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


30 June, 1844
Camden, New South Wales, Australia


10 July, 1926 (aged 82)
Young, New South Wales, Australia

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