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Charles Innes Cavanough (1847–1921)

Mr. Charles Innes Cavanough, an old and respected resident of the Lismore district, died at his home, "Wyreema," Goonellabah, early on Wednesday morning. The deceased gentleman was 74 years of age, and was born at Windsor. After spending some time in Brisbane he took up his residence at Tenterfield in 1881, and followed his profession as chemist. In November, 1894, he came to Lismore, having purchased the chemist's business of Mr. T. H. Holmes. He had thus been a resident of this district for 27 years. Mr. Cavanough retired from active business five years ago, since when Mr. Arthur Cavanough has been in control. The late Mr. Cavanough had been in indifferent health for some time. A widow, three, sons, and two daughters are left. The sons are Brian (Tweed), Arthur (Lismore), and Charles (Lismore). The daughter are Miss Cavanough and Mrs. P. Stanger, of Lismore.

The remains of the late Mr. C. I. Cavanough, chemist, of Lismore, were laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery on Thursday, in the presence of a large number of friends. A short service was first held in the Methodist church of which the deceased had been for 27 years a trustee. The Rev. Mr. Johnston delivered an address. He paid a fine tribute to the sterling Christian character of the deceased gentleman who, in all his actions, was actuated by a fine sense of citizenship, whilst ever observing his religious duties. Of him it could be said 'He wore the white lily of a blameless life. The speaker emphasised the fact that it was well that our attention should be directed away from the money scramble of these times to the contemplation of higher things. Their late brother sought spiritual rest and refreshment from his daily contact with the matter-of-fact world, and was ever a pattern for his fellowmen. The hymns "O God Our Help in Ages Past" and 'Peace, Perfect Peace" were sung. The pall bearers were Messrs. Arthur, Charles and Brian Cavanough, Bilambil Creek (sons), Percy Stranger (son-in-law) and J. Allen and G. Mortimer. At the cemetery the service was concluded, after which Mr. A. E. Parker read the Masonic service.

Original publication

Citation details

'Cavanough, Charles Innes (1847–1921)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 4 February 2025.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2025

Life Summary [details]


22 February, 1847
Windsor, New South Wales, Australia


5 October, 1921 (aged 74)
Lismore, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death

heart disease

Religious Influence

Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.

Occupation or Descriptor
Key Organisations