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Susannah Archer (1819–1890)

Our Longford correspondent writes on Monday:—It is again my painful duty to announce the death of another of our old and respected residents in the person of Mrs Susannah Archer, relict of the late Mr. Edward Archer, of Northbury, which took place rather unexpectedly at the old family residence on Saturday, shortly before six p.m. The deceased was, I understand, laid aside on Thursday morning with an attack of influenza, and attended by Dr. Stevenson, no danger being apprehended up to five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, when upon the doctor paying a visit, Mrs Archer expressed herself as feeling so well as to dispense with his services till Monday morning. A sudden change, however, subsequently set in, and Dr. Stevenson was immediately sent for, but before he could possibly reach his patient she had breathed her last, it is thought from apoplexy. The deceased, who was in her 72nd year, was a colonist of half a century's standing, and at the time of her husband's death (February 6, 1862), was left with two daughters and eight sons, all of whom have grown up respected. One daughter—the late Mrs F. W. Grubb has since died, while the other who was married to Dr. Bennett is now residing in Victoria. The sons are as follow :—Messrs Basil (Woodside), Charles (Formosa), Daniel (Longford Hall), Edward (Huntworth, Jericho), Frank (Landfall, East Tamar), Harold (Queensland), Joseph (Hadspen), and Ludlow (Northbury). Mrs Archer was a strong adherent and a liberal supporter of the Wesleyan Church, and had the honour conferred on her of laying the foundation stone of the present sacred edifice here in the year 1880, the Rev. H. J. Lavyers, now of Beaconsfield, then being our circuit minister. From her kindly disposition she also contributed to numerous charitable institutions and causes, and her subscriptions in this direction will be greatly missed in the future.

The sad event was briefly referred to at the Anglican, Baptist, and Wesleyan Churches yesterday, the latter being draped in black, and the meeting which was to have been held in Christ Church schoolroom on Wednesday has been postponed till Thursday in consequence of the funeral taking place on that day.

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Citation details

'Archer, Susannah (1819–1890)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]




7 June, 1890 (aged ~ 71)
Northbury, Tasmania, Australia

Cause of Death


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Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.