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John Wade (1842–1931)

from Methodist

John Wade, n.d.

John Wade, n.d.

photo supplied by Adrian Young

In the 90th year of his age and the 74th of his residence in Australia, Mr. John Wade passed away on the 16th September, at his daughter's residence, Cremorne. He arrived in Australia by the ship “Duncan Dunbar” in 1858, the year following the wreck of the “Dunbar”. Settling in Dungog in 1866, he joined the Methodist Church under the late Rev. Joseph Monahan, for whom he always cherished a tender and affectionate recollection. A few years subsequently he was appointed circuit steward, and continued to hold that office until his removal to Ashfield in 1888. In that circuit, as also in Mosman, he also held office at different periods. The business he established in Dungog grew to be the largest and most prosperous of its kind on the Williams River. During his residence there, he also established the cornflour industry, which subsequently was transferred to much larger premises in the mill at Camperdown. He was also instrumental in founding the Dungog School of Arts and the Williams River Steam Navigation Company, occupying the positions of President and Chairman of those organisations respectively for several years. On leaving Dungog he received substantial tokens of the esteem and regard in which he was held by citizens of every denomination, as well as from the church with which he was more particularly identified. Of him and of his wife it might truly be said that they “delivered the poor that cried and the fatherless and him that had none to help him. They were eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame, and caused the widows' heart to sing for joy.” Their benevolences were unobtrusive but widespread, and the sterling qualities of their lives were such as to command almost universal esteem. Of recent years Mr. Wade led a retired life, until at length tired nature refused to hold out any longer, and he quietly slipped away into the land that is fairer than day. Avoiding any public display, the members of his family quietly laid the remains at rest in Rookwood Cemetery, alongside those of the mother of his children, who had predeceased him by 31 years.

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Citation details

'Wade, John (1842–1931)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

John Wade, n.d.

John Wade, n.d.

photo supplied by Adrian Young

Life Summary [details]


Yorkshire, England


16 September, 1931 (aged ~ 89)
Mosman, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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