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Eugene John Ryan (1864–1905)

from Catholic Press

The multitude of friends of Mr. Eugene John Ryan in this and the other States received with regret the announcement of his death, which took place on Friday last, at 6 p.m., at his residence, Ryan Hotel, George street West, after a week's illness. Some twelve months ago deceased met with a serious accident whilst driving along Cleveland-street. The driver of another vehicle lost control of his horse, and a collision ensued, the shaft of his sulky striking Mr. Ryan and inflicting a severe wound which caused him to be laid up for two or three months. Since then he did not enjoy anything like his usual robust health, and he recently contracted a chill, which was shortly afterwards followed by an epileptic seizure, which ultimately resulted in his death. Deceased was attended by Drs. Charles W. MacCarthy and Warren, who did all in their power to restore their friend and patient to health. He was nursed by two of the nursing Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, of Lewisham Hospital, who were unremitting in their care. His wife and his brother, Brother Bernard Ryan (of Bathurst) were continually by him, and he was attended by the Rev. Fathers J. Furlong (Adm, St. Benedict's), B. A. Comaskey and M. A. Flemming. Deceased received the last rites of the Church, and was conscious to the last. At the death-bed were also deceased's cousins, the Rev. Mother Xavier Ryan, of the Sacred Heart Convent, Kensington, and Sisters Mary Dominica and Patrick, of St. Joseph's Convent, Perth.

His Life.
The late Mr. Ryan was born 41 yours ago in Turraheen, County Tipperary, Ireland. His father was a farmer, and it may be mentioned that his ancestors resided in the same homestead for at least 300 years. He was one of a family of thirteen, three of whom embraced the religious life. His parents are still living, his father having attained the ripe age of 95. Deceased was instructed in his early years at the local National School by his uncle, Mr. Jeremiah Ryan, who was very successful as an educationalist. He afterwards studied at the Patrician Brothers' College, Mount Rath in Queen's County, where he took his degrees.

The late Mr. Ryan came to Australia 21 years, ago, and taught successfully in Colleges at Armidale and Maitland. For the past twelve years he personally conducted the University College, Redfern, with remarkable success. He was highly proficient as an educationalist and no work was dearer to his heart than that of the school in which he continued to engage with untiring energy almost up to to the last. He was a fine linguist, and had a thorough knowledge of the classics, besides being an able mathematician. He was also a talented musician, and was a Gaelic scholar of some note, being a fluent speaker and a ready writer of the ancient tongue, which he taught in his college. He was one of the most enthusiastic students of Irish history in Sydney, as well as being a most patriotic and sterling Irishman, having taken a prominent part in all movements for the advancement and freedom of the land of his birth. The late Mr. Ryan, in conjunction with Dr. MacCarthy, was one of the organisers and secretaries of the '98 Memorial movement. It was he who wrote the inscription in Gaelic on the monument in Waverley Cemetery and his remains have now been interred alongside the monument he loved so well, and for the erection of which he laboured so ardently and successfully. That his efforts on behalf of Ireland's interests have not been unappreciated in the homeland evident from the following wire, which was received from Mr. William Redmond immediately he heard of Mr Ryan's death: 'Deeply regret Eugene Ryan's death. I feel a good friend of Ireland is lost. Please convey to family my deep regret and sympathy on behalf of Irish Party.'

Though the late Mr. Ryan was only 13 years a resident of Sydney, he was more widely known than those who have lived here for half a century, his genial disposition and sterling character winning him friendship wherever he went. He gave largely and unostentatiously in charity, and he will be sorely missed by his beneficiaries. Deceased was also a prominent member of the United Irish League, as well as being an honorary member of each of the Catholic Friendly Societies. Mr. Ryan was on several occasions requisitioned to stand for Parliament in the old Phillip division, but he always declined the honour — although there was probably no more popular man in the electorate.

The late Mr. Ryan's only brother in Australia is Brother Bernard Ryan, who was for several years Superior of the Patrician Brothers' High School at Bathurst, the other surviving members of his family resident in Ireland besides his parents being: Mr. Patrick Ryan, who is in business in Birr, King's County; Mr. Matthew Ryan, who resides at the old home (brothers); Miss Maggie and Johanna Ryan, who live with their parents, Mrs. J. Ryan, and Mrs. T. Ryan, of Tipperary (sisters). He has also two brothers — Messrs. James and Michael Ryan — in business in Chicago, as well as two sisters in the Order of the Sisters of Charity in the United States — Sisters M. Etienne and Elizabeth. One of his sisters, Mrs. J Ryan, died a few years ago at home.

The esteem in which deceased was generally held was not fully realised by his friends until after his death, and, although the fact of his decease was not generally known on Saturday, many visited his remains during that day and expressed sympathy with his sorrowing wife and brother in the severe loss they had sustained.

The Funeral.
The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, leaving his late residence at 2.30 for Waverley Cemetery. It was the largest funeral seen in Sydney for many years. Before the remains were removed from the house the prayers for the dead were read by the Rev. Father Furlong (Adm., St. Benedict's), who was assisted by the Very Rev. Dean Slattery P.P. (Newtown), and the Rev. Fathers M. A. Flemming and B. A. Comaskey. The coffin was then carried by several members of the Catholic Benefit Societies to the hearse, and the funeral started for Waverley in the following order: — Carriage, in which were the priests attached to St. Benedict's; members of the Australasian Holy Catholic Guild; the Irish National Foresters; the N.S.W. Hurling Association and several representatives of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society who marched in regalia; the hearse; carriages containing relatives and about 300 vehicles containing the general public. 

At Carrington-road, Waverley, St. Charles (Waverley) adult and juvenile branches of the A.H.C. Guild, with crossbearer, met the cortege and led it to the gates of the cemetery, where thousands of people awaited its arrival. The interment, as already stated, was made close by the '98 monument in the Catholic portion of  the cemetery, the Rev. Father J. Furlong officiating at the grave, being assisted by the Very Rev. Father J. L. Begley (Commissary-Provincial of the Franciscan Fathers), Rev. Fathers (J. A. Hyland, O.F.M., M. A. Flemming, B. A. Clomaskey, P. B. Kennedy, O.F.M., and M.J. Battle. The last obsequies were very sad and impressive, and of the 3000 or 4000 people collected around the grave few did not sorrow for a personal friend.

The Mourners
The chief mourners were Mrs Ryan (widow); Brother Bernard Ryan (brother), Mr. P. Costelow (brother in-law), Mrs. W. Ryan (sister-in-law), Sister Mary Rosarie (Lewisham Hospital), Mrs. J. Harrington, Mr. P. Ryan, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. J. English (Hunters Hill), Misses. A. and M. McGrath (cousins), Mrs. P. Costelow, Mr. W. Ryan, Mrs. P. Ryan, Mr. J. English (Hunters Hill), Mr. Phillips, Mr. J. G. O'Connor (Newcastle), and Mr. X. T. Dwyer (Lyndhurst).

The pall-bearers were Messrs. James O'Connor, D. B. Smith and J. Woodbury (A.H.C. Guild); Messrs. P. Keating, M. Slattery, T. F. Flynn and B. Colbourne (Irish National Foresters).

Amongst those present at the funeral were: Messrs. E. W. O 'Sullivan, Phil H. Sullivan, and John McNeill, Alderman Andy Kelly, M.'sL.A., Aldermen B. D. Meaghor, J. English and G. McIvor (City Council), M. O'Riordan (Mayor of Alexandria), Jas. Roche (Alexandria), Jackson (Redfern), T. Fanning (Redfern), and Kenny (Paddington), Dr. Chas. W. MacCarthy, Dr. W. E. Warren, Superintendent Larkin, Inspector Hughes, Sub-Inspectors Roche, Hinds and Broderick, Messrs. John Woods, John McLaughlin, Frank McKenna, W. Armstrong, J. J. Hayes ('Evening News'), M. Ryan, W. O'Brien, J. J. Bourke, J. A. Hayes, J. O'Sullivan, J. S. Adams, E. Richmond Bryan (representing Tooth and Co.), A. E.Bryan, C. O. Hay, P. V. Ryan, W. Mabelam, David Carroll, P. J. Craddock, Andy Flanagan, M. Meagher, J. English, P. J. McMahon, P. B. Larkin, junr., G. Larkin, Wm. J. O'Brien, P. J. MacCarthy, L.D.S., Patrick Sarsfield MacCarthy, Hugh O'Neill MacCarthy, J. Melliday, E. McHugh, J. Bergin, P. Costello, P. McCarthy, M. Fitzpatrick, P. Barrett, P. Mulvey, M. Ryan, J. Hennessy, J. J. McKenna, J. J. Bennett, P. Small, J. J. Cripps (representing the Hotel Employees' Union), J. Couglan, B. Gaffney, P. Logan, P. Cullen, S. Punch, Sergeant O'Brien, Jas. Kelly, P. McSullea, J. W. Walshe, John Kelly, P. McEncroe, D. O'Shea, J. J. Donnolly,. J. Monaghan, J. Cashman, W. J. Walsh, L. P. Fitzgerald, J. W. B. Clarke, M. Hogan, S. J. Dayoren (Vice-President, United Irish League Haymarket Branch), T. .J. McCabe (Past Wardenn General A.H.C. Guild), John Toohey (Chief President H.A.C.B.S.), T. F. Flynn (Sub-High Chief Ranger I.N.F.), R. Cleary, Thorne, B. Moran, B. Moran, J. Williams, P. O'Loughlin (District Secretary H.A.C.B.S.), C. Carter, Jos. Borgia, Senior-Sergeant Kelly, D. O 'Sullivan, M. Moore, D. Mclnerny, Andrew Smith, Senior-Sergeant Thompson, E. Butler (President United Irish League), J. L. Button (Corresponding Secretary H.A.C.B.S.), M. P. Furlong (President N.S.W. Hurling Association), W. O'Driscoll (Warden St. Benedict 's Branch A.H.C. Guild), Jas. O'Connor, B. Chinchin (Past Warden St. Benedict's A.H.C. Guild), P. A. Stretton (Secretary Haymarket Branch United Irish League), W. Cruickshank (Vice Prosident United Irish League), Captain O'Flanagan, J. G. Carroll, F. Burke, M. C. O'Halloran, M. Molonoy, F. Penny, J. Blakeney, M. Gilmore, G. Mclnerny, E. O'Sullivan (District Warden A.H.C. Guild), J. Butler (Deputy-District Warden AH. C. Guild), M. Slattery (D.C.R. I.N.F.), P. Gornall) (returning officer State electorate of Phillip), D. O'Brien (Hon. Treasurer United Irish League), J. Butler, A. Cawley (Executive Trustee I.N.F.), C. J. McCaffrey, M. Costello, M. Coady, M. Shiels, M. O'Shea, J. J. Quinn and D. McGrath (representing St. Benedict's Conference (Society of St. Vincent de Paul), W. J. Hartley (representing Marrickville (Conference Society of St. Vincent de Paul), C. Duffy (hon. treasurer N.S.W. Hurling Association), F. Fostor Hon. Secretary N.S.W. Hurling Association, J. Furlong, P. Clara, M. Farroll, T. J. Foley (Committee N.S.W. Hurling Association), D. B. Smith (Secretary St. Benedict's Branch A.H.C. Guild), H. D. Williams (Bursar-General A.H.C. Guild), J. T. Glnrr (District Bursar A.H.O. Guild), G. Brown, W. , Brown and M. Hardimau (District Trustees A.H.C. Guild), J. Doyle (Executive Councillor (A.H.C. Guild), E. M. Fogarty (District Councillor A.H.C. Guild), J. Brown (Councillor St. Benedict's A.H.C. Guild), Cahill (Secretary St. Charles' Waverley A.H.C. Guild), J, McIntye and M. Vaughan (Trustees St. Benedict's A.H.C. Guild), M. Keating (Chief Ranger, William O'Brien Branch I.N.F.), J.Elliott (Chief Ranger, St. Patrick's Branch I.N.F.), J. Dawson (Chief Ranger, John Mitchel Branch I.N.F.), S. Hannon (Chief Ranger, Owen Roe O'Neill Branch I.N.F.), J. Keogh (District Trustee I.N.F.), Gaffney (E.C.B. I.N.F.), T. Tracey (Past Chief Ranger, William O'Brien Branch I.N.F.), M. H. Fox, E. McSweeney, M, Egan, M. McGauran, J. Carden, F. Quirk, Jas, Coloman, Mr. J, Mahon (ex-M.L.A. for Uralla), John Downes, Martin Quirk, jnr., J, Curran, M. J. Ryan, D. Donovan, W. J. Cotton, Signor Addison, J. Corcoran, M. Hearey, L. Delaney, A. Tango, W. A. O'Connor, A. Scannell, J. O'Brien, T. J. Gormann, W. Mills, T. O'Sullivan (Trustee, John Mitchel Branch I.N.F.), Mrs. O'Flanagan (representing Ladies' '98 Committee), Brothers Stanislaus Bergin (Provincial of the Patrician Brothers), Boniface (Superior Holy Cross College, Ryde), Benignus (Holy Cross College, Ryde), and Baptist McGrath, John Leahy and Alphonsus Eviston (St. Patrick's Monastery, Redfern), representatives from the Owen Roe O'Neill; St. Patrick's and John Martan Branches of the I.N.F., T. M. Malone, and many others.

Telegrams and letters of condolence were received by Mrs. Ryan and Brother Bernard from the following. — Dr. O'Donnell (Melbourne), Mr. Morgan Jaegers (Melbourne). Rev. Father T. Brazil, P.P. (Williamstown, Melbourne), Rev. Father J. D. Walshe, B.I. (Maclean), Mr. J. G. O'Connor (Newcastle), Rev. Father J. O'Dowd, Adm. (Bathurst), Mr. B. J. Dunford (Brisbane), Brothers Dominic, Austin, Fenton (Bathurst and Orange), Messrs. J. P. Fitzgibbon (Bombala), Jno. Evison (Bathurst), Rev. Mother Gertrude (Convent of Mercy, Bathurst), Mrs. M. Winter (Bathurst), Mr. J. C. Russell (Cooma), Mr. B. O'Brien (Wollongong), Mr. M. Murphy (Richmond), Sister M. Ursula (Convent of Mercy, Forbes), Mr. B. M. Quirk (Marrickville), Mr. D. O'Connor, Mr. J. A. Brodie (Paddington), Mr. J. Blakeney, Mr. T. J. Everett (Dulwich Hill), Mr. T. Phelan (Bathurst), Mr. B. Dudgeon (Sydney), Alderman J. English, Mr. A. Carr, Mr. F. Massey (Leichhardt), Mr. M. Furlong (Glebe), Mr. M. Purtell, Alderman B. D. Meagher, Mr. Thos. Collins (Balmain), Sub-Inspector Broderick (Petersham), Mr. P. N. Ryan (Sydney), Mr. S. Parr (Cooma), Brother Boniface (Holy Cross College, Ryde), Mr. J. Hogan (Melbourne), Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford, the members of No. 2 Fire Station, Mr. T. Dwyer, Mrs. Fitzpatrick (Newcastle), Mr. H. Hannon (No. 2 Fire Station), X. Dwyer (Mandurama). Mr. D. B. Flemming, Mr. George C. Dwyer, Sub-Inspector Boyd (Rozelle), Mrs. Brown (President Ladies' '98 Committee), Mr. J. Murphy (Castlereagh-street), Mr. J. F. McInnes, Mrs. Nowland (Bathurst), Mr. J. P. S. Wilson, Mr. T. P. O'Connor (Secretary United Irish League), Mr. John Hunt, Mr. T. Simmonds (Blacktown), Pierre Tiernand Dumont (The Friary, Waverley), and Brother Alphonsus (Redfern).

Additional messages of sympathy were received from F. Foster (Hon. Secretary Hurling Club, Tempo), T. P. O'Connor (Secretary United Irish League), H. Duffy (Secretary Celtic Club, Melbourne), Mrs. J. M. Ryan (Bathurst), Messrs. J S. Murry (Bredalbane), S. M. Dominic (Newbridge), P. J. Conroy (Gladesville), James Keating (Bathurst), Miss Cleary (Bathurst), Mr. Martin, O'Brien (Clarence Siding), Mrs. Davoran (Bathurst), Mr. Lee (Wee Waa), Messrs. Wm. Dwyer (Brisbane), Jack Styles (Brisbane), G. B. White (Murrurundi), Mrs. Sexton (Tamworth), W. Walsh (Stingo Hotel), Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson (North Shore), Mrs. Roche (Bayview), Mr, James Hanly (Barmedman), Mr. Jerry Ryan (Cairnsley Hills), Mr. Maurice Hennessy (Toronto), Esther Chivers granddaughtor of Michael Dwyer), Mrs. O'Connor (Gosford), Sister M. Bernard (Bathurst).

Wreaths were sent by the following: Mr. J. C. Russell (Cooma), Mr. J. T. Coffill, Mr. Potter (Westminster Hotel), Mr. T. Ryan and family, Mr. Fogg, Officers and Members of No. 2 Fire Station, Miss G. Corcoran, Mr. E. B. Bryan, Messrs. Chas. D'Arcy and Co., Licensed Victuallers' Association, United Irish League, Mr. and Mrs. H. Solhurst, Mr. and Miss P. O'Donnoll, Mr. J. W. R. Clarke, -Mr. Finselbach and several others. — R.I.P.

Original publication

Other Obituaries for Eugene John Ryan

Additional Resources and Scholarship

  • funeral, Advocate (Melbourne), 15 July 1905, p 14

Citation details

'Ryan, Eugene John (1864–1905)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2025

Life Summary [details]


21 January, 1864
Turraheen, Tipperary, Ireland


7 July, 1905 (aged 41)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death


Cultural Heritage

Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.

Religious Influence

Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.

Passenger Ship
Occupation or Descriptor
Key Organisations