A farmer, residing at Caddie Creek, named Edward Cross, having been missed for several days from his home, enquiries were set afoot, when the following circumstances were elicited. It appears he came to Windsor on Friday last, to register his last born child. On his return home he called at Mawson's public-house in Pitt Town. Mr. Mawson states that he left his house about eleven o'clock on Friday night, somewhat inebriated. He endeavoured to persuade him to stay all night, but he would not. Nothing more was heard of him until Sunday morning, when his horse was found about two and a-half miles from Pitt Town, at a place called Long Neck, adjoining a chain of ponds. A considerable number of the settlers joined the Pitt Town constable in his search on Monday, which proved unsuccessful. On Tuesday morning constables Walsh and Wilkinson were dispatched from Windsor to renew the search, in company with a large number of the neighbours. After a tiresome prosecution of their object, they so far succeeded as to find Mr. Cross's hat floating in a large pond; on Wednesday morning following his body was discovered, having been drowned in the lagoon. An inquest was held the same day, when the following facts were deposed to, and a verdict returned accordingly.
'Cross, Edward (1789–1860)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/cross-edward-17308/text32921, accessed 12 September 2024.
New South Wales,
29 June,
(aged ~ 71)
Pitt Town, Sydney,
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.