The late Mr William Butler, whose demise is recorded elsewhere in this issue, was a native of the Carcoar district, and came to reside in this district over fifty years ago. He was a fine type of manhood, being over 6ft in height and straight as a gun barrel. He was the first owner of the property now known as Bassett Downs (Mr Healy’s), having selected it in 1876, and while resident there he was an active member of our P. A. & H. Association. Through adverse seasons he was compelled to relinquish the property about twenty five years ago. He subsequently carried on the business of a dealer in live stock for a number of years until he went with his family to reside in Sydney. We understand he was a direct descendant of Dwyer, the Wicklow Chief. He was a man of splendid parts and enjoyed the respect and esteem of a large circle of Cowra friends.
'Butler, William (1843–1920)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 9 September 2024.
Waterloo, Sydney,
New South Wales,
31 January,
(aged ~ 77)
Concord, Sydney,
New South Wales,