from Western Champion
[a section is missing] .... on Sunday, the 13th Mr. Daniel Sutherland Budge, formerly of Blackall. With other residents of that town, Mr. Budge went away to try his fortune in the west, intending to join Mr. R. Niall, who owns what is reported to be a rich claim in the neighborhood of Coolgardie. He was taken ill in Perth, but had apparently recovered, and was most carefully looked after by Mr. Thomas Brown, who, as most of our readers will remember, was a candidate for the Barcoo at the last general election. Typhoid fever appears to be firmly established at Coolgardie, and Mr. Budge fell a victim to the disease. Mr. Dan Budge was a very old resident of this district. He came from one of the most distinguished families in South Australia, his father having been an officer of high rank in the Imperial Army. Colonel Badge came to the colony in 1853, when Dan was 11 years of age, and purchased a beautiful estate on the River Murray, which has recently been absorbed in the irrigation settlement of Renmark. In 1875, Mr. Budge came to Bulloo as manager for Messrs. Cudmore, Swan & Co., who had taken up the country known as Gooya, since then amalgamated with Milo, Gumbardo, and other properties, forming what is now the most extensive sheep run in Queensland. In those early days Mr. Budge was a frequent visitor to Blackall, although his station was three or four days' journey from the town. There was a considerable quantity of dry country between Gooya and Blackall, and on one occasion Mr. Budge, travelling homewards, was lost in the bush, but was fortunately rescued when in an almost exhausted condition. Upon the death of his brother, Mr. Kenneth Budge, Dan left Gooya and purchased a share in Delta cattle station, then owned by Mr. W. P. Tozer and Mr. A. Mossman. The new firm were the first to introduce sheep into the desert country, but the experiment was a failure owing to the want of proper fencing, which necessitated the cost of shepherding. In a short time the sheep were turned loose, and in course of time fell victims to the rapacity of the native dogs, and finally disappeared. While at Delta, Mr. Budge married Miss Tozer, a sister of his partner, by whom he had a family of two sons. They are now and have for some time been living in the neighborhood of Warrnambool, where the Tozer family have resided for many years. Mr. Budge was a brother-in-law of Mr. J. M. Niall, who purchased Mr. Tozer's interest in Delta, and the new firm of Budge & Niall carried on the business of the station with much profit and success. After a few years Mr. Budge retired from the station, and invested his money in the purchase of property at Blackall, including the Barcoo Hotel and neighboring houses. He also commenced business as a stock and station agent, in which he received the able assistance of Mr. J. D. Hughes. The late Mr. Budge was one of those men who come to the front in every movement designed for the benefit of their fellow townsmen. He was of incorruptible honesty, unbounded generosity, of a cheerful disposition, and possessed a fund of shrewd common sense, tinctured with a dry humor, which, however, was never offensive. It was impossible to be angry with Dan, and it is certain he never made an enemy, even of those who treated him badly. Mr. Budge was first in everything undertaken for the public good in the realms of sport, of local government, of charity, and even of politics. From the time he came to reside in Blackall he was always a member of the Municipal Council or Divisional Board. In the racing club he was honored by being elected vice-president. To hospital committees and charitable organisations he gave the assistance of his ability and his purse. When the Independent was started Mr. Budge became a shareholder, and for some years leased the business and supervised the publication of the paper. In 1892, he was invited, as the most popular man among all classes in the district, to contest the electorate, but was obliged to abandon the contest, owing to a constitutional infirmity which at periodical seasons seized him in its relentless grasp, and clouded his faculties for a little while. There was never a harsh word spoken of good old Dan. During his many years of residence on the Barcoo he never wilfully caused bodily or mental suffering to man, woman, or child; and wherever the news of his death has penetrated there will be expressed words of genuine sorrow over the loss of a friend. The late Mr. Budge was uncle of the Messrs. Cudmore, of Tara, and brother-in-law of Mr. Frank Tozer, of Blackall. In the Independent of Friday last, the editor, referring to his deceased friend, says: "From his genial manner and cheerful disposition Mr. Budge was a general favorite with everyone with whom he was brought into contact, while his extreme generosity will make his name long remembered on the Barcoo, and his good deeds a fruitful subject of conversation at many a camp fire."
'Budge, Daniel Sutherland (Dan) (1841–1895)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 19 September 2024.
20 March,
13 January,
(aged 53)
Western Australia,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.