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Horace Edward Young (1853–1924)

Horace Young, n.d.

Horace Young, n.d.

photo supplied by Stuart Braga

The sad news of the death, at Ingham on 3rd October, of Mr. Horace Young, one of the managing directors of the Fairymead Sugar Company Limited, and one of the pioneers of the sugar industry in the Bundaberg district, has been received amongst those associated with the industry, and by a very large circle of friends and admirers throughout Queensland with deep regret, and with a special sense of personal loss. He was one of the outstanding figures connected with the larger interests of the industry, and his keen judgment and gentlemanly bearing commanded for him the respectful consideration of those to whom he addressed himself, whether in the Council of the Australian Sugar Producers' Association (of which he was a foundation member) or in the direct appeals made from time to time on behalf of the industry to the various Governments, Federal or State.

It was in the early eighties that, in association with his brothers, Messrs. A. H. and Ernest Young, the subject of this notice founded the Fairymead Plantation, says the "Sugar Journal." In the first instance, they established a juice mill, such as became common in the district in the earlier days, their cane being crushed on the plantation and the limed juice being conveyed to Millaquin for manufacture. This system was abandoned in favor of a complete manufacturing plant for the production of white sugar, and eventually, attention was devoted solely to the making of raw sugar for the refineries, a practice now universally adopted through-out the industry. Working at all times on scientific principles, according to the best information obtainable, the management of Fairymead were able to attain success both in the cultivation of the cane and in the manufacture of raw sugar; and at the present time they are the largest growers of cane in the Commonwealth, whilst the mill has been constantly maintained at a high stage of efficiency.

Messrs. Young Bros., as time went on, found it necessary to add to their holdings, and at intervals, they purchased amongst other properties large estates in the Isis, Goodwood, Avondale, Gooburrum, and Woongarra district; and the mill was able also to absorb considerable quantities of cane purchased from growers in various parts of the Burnett areas. In 1912 the Fairymead mill and properties were converted into a limited company, and this is now carried on under the title of the Fairymead Sugar Company Limited, of which the late Mr. Young, and his brother Mr. Ernest Young were managing directors.

The deceased gentleman is survived by his widow, one son, Mr. Herbert Young, and four daughters. Two of the daughters are married, respectively to Rev. D. J. Knox, Wollongong, and Mr. Theodore Nicholson, Sydney. Miss Constance Young has for many years been engaged in missionary work in the Solomon Islands, and Miss Evelyn Young has been residing with her parents. One of the sons gave his life for his country during the Great War, and another succumbed to influenza during the epidemic which raged in Sydney in 1918. It has been said of Mr. Young that he did not enter to any appreciable extent into public affairs; and this may be true, so far as relates to either Parliamentary or local government concerns. Nevertheless, he was at all times keenly interested in the social and political welfare of his adopted country, and, as already mentioned, his work in connection with the broader issues affecting the sugar industry was continuous and valuable in the extreme. It may be mentioned that when in 1916, the A.S.P.A. sent its Secretary, Mr. G. H. Pritchard, to England to represent it in the formation of the British Empire Producers' Organisation, the late Mr. Young was associated in that work, and in him the B.E.P.O. has ever since had a keen and active admirer. Mr. Horace Young was a liberal supporter of the religious and charitable organisations of the district in which he lived for so many years, and particularly identified himself with the upbuilding of the work of the Anglican Church (as represented by Christ Church, Bundaberg), also as a trustee of the Lady Chelmsford Hospital for women, and in connection with similar institutions, his presence and support will be greatly missed.

Original publication

Citation details

'Young, Horace Edward (1853–1924)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Horace Young, n.d.

Horace Young, n.d.

photo supplied by Stuart Braga

Life Summary [details]


13 July, 1853
Nelson, New Zealand


3 October, 1924 (aged 71)
Ingham, Queensland, Australia

Cause of Death

food poisoning

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