We are sorry to report the loss of the small colonial sloop William Broughton, Thomas Crump owner, in a boisterous gale on the 8th instant a few miles south of Botany Bay Heads. She was laden with wheat and corn; and what renders the account more distressing, is to report the loss of three lives, namely, George Colston master; James Carney one of the crew; and Edward Yarley [Yardley], a settler at Hawkesbury, who leaves a wife and two children to lament his premature end.
'Yardley, Edward (1794–1820)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/yardley-edward-27829/text35572, accessed 10 March 2025.
1 April,
Parramatta, Sydney,
New South Wales,
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