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William White (1852–1903)

from Sydney Morning Herald

William White, n.d.

William White, n.d.

photo supplied by Jeff White

The late Mr William White, whose death was announced in yesterday's issue of the Herald, was a man widely known and respected in the Christian and philanthropic life of the state. His death was quite unexpected, and the esteem in which he was held was clearly exemplified by the unusually large and thoroughly representative gathering of friends at the graveside yesterday afternoon in the Rookwood Cemetery. Mr White was prominent in the Baptist denomination, and helped to build many churches. He was one of the founders of the Stanmore Church, to which congregation he and his family were attached. A year or two ago he was elected to the chairmanship of the Baptist Union, and in many other ways he and Mrs White assisted largely in furthering the interests of that denomination. He was also a warm supporter of the work of the Sydney City Mission. As a vice-president of the Christian Endeavour Union of New South Wales, Mr White took an active part in Christian work amongst the young. Having a gift for music, he largely assisted in the various gatherings of that body. His unostentatious assistance to the poor of the city was known to only those whom he helped. Mr White enjoyed splendid health up to 12 months ago, when he became a victim of angina pectoris. A few weeks back he took a trip to Queensland, and while there he developed pleurisy, pneumonia supervening. He, however, almost recovered, when the old complaint returned. His heart became weaker, and he died on Saturday morning at the age of 50 years. He leaves a widow and five children. As stated, the funeral took place yesterday afternoon. A short service was conducted at the house by the Revs C. J. Tinsley, Dr Porter, and W. H. Hiddlestone. The cortege, a lengthy one, then proceeded to the Stanmore railway station, where a special train, which arrived from Sydney with a large number of friends, was joined en route to Rookwood. The train was filled, there being between 700 and 800 passengers. A large number of persons were waiting at the cemetery and by the time the service was commenced at the graveside there were present upwards of 1,000 people, representing all classes of the community and business men of the city. From the mortuary at Rookwood a procession was formed. A large contingent of the Salvation Army with the Army Band was in the lead. The employees of the businesses of William White and Weeks White to the number of 50, each carrying a wreath, came next. Then followed the chairman, ministers and deacons of the Baptist churches, and clergymen from all other denominations, the secretary and 11 of the city missionaries. The coffin was borne on the shoulders of six of his employees. The chief mourners were Mrs White (widow), son and two daughters and other relatives. The general mourners embraced representatives from the Operative Bakers’ Union, Bread-carters' Union, Master Bakers' Association, and the leading milling firms of New South Wales, also members or the various Baptist churches and Christian organisations, the Mayor and aldermen of Redfern and leading residents. The Chairman of the Baptist Union (the Rev. Henry Clark) presided at the graveside, and gave out the hymn "Forever with the Lord," after which addresses were delivered by the Rev George Campbell (representing the City Mission), the Revs Dr Porter and C. J. Tinsley (representing the Baptist denomination), the Rev J. Walden (president of the Christian Endeavour Union), and Staff Sergeant McKenzie (representing the Salvation Army). The wreaths were numerous and were sent by the business and church and philanthropic institutions with which Mr White had been connected.

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Other Obituaries for William White

Citation details

'White, William (1852–1903)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

William White, n.d.

William White, n.d.

photo supplied by Jeff White

Life Summary [details]


30 December, 1852
Darenth, Kent, England


7 September, 1903 (aged 50)
Stanmore, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death


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