The Braidwood Despatch says:—"We notice the death at Forbes of Sir Watkin, a well-known black tracker in the police force. Many residents of this district will recollect him as being with Senior-constable Wright (now sub-inspector), then stationed at Fairfield. Sir Watkin was with the police party when the Clarkes were captured at Berry's hut at Jinden. He was on that occasion wounded severely in the arm by a bullet from one of the bushrangers, and the poor fellow afterwards had to submit to his arm being amputated, since which time he has been in the receipt of a pension from the Government. He must have been between 50 and 60 at the time of his death.
'Watkin, Sir (?–1887)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 28 March 2025.