Our readers will have heard with unfeigned sorrow of the death of our townsman, Mr. Robert Dalglish Walker, which sad event took place on the 1st instant, at New-street, where he resided with his aged father, and under whose paternal roof he had lived all his lifetime. That was an unhappy New Year's Day to his bereaved relatives, and we believe we speak the language of truth when we say that many a tearful eye gave expression to its feelings when the news of his death was spread amongst his numerous friends and acquaintances, and embittered a day with them which is usually associated with joy. Mr. Walker was a native of Windsor. He was born at the Peninsula Cottage on the 22nd of June, 1844. He was consequently only in his 37th year. He received the elements of his education from his father, and had the finishing strokes in classics from the Rev. C. F. Garnsey, under whom he qualified himself for articles with his brother, Mr. William Walker.
He was possessed of good ability, and having completed his tcrm might have been admitted to the honourable profession of the law; but there was always an inertia about him, and an indifference to worldly honors which kept him back. Unlike the great Caesar he was not ambitious—but rather like "modest merit sought the shade." Had he been more persevering he might have taken a high social and public position in the community. As it was he made himself useful in many ways. He was an invaluable assistant to his brother; he acted as Secretary of the Windsor School of Arts for a number of years; also as Secretary to the Windsor Flood Brigade, and he was correspondent for Windsor of the Sydney Morning Herald for a long time previous to his death. He knew the art of composition well, and when he spoke in public, which was rarely, he was not devoid of considerable eloquence. How sad then to think that this comparatively young and useful life should have been cut off so soon. His social and generous qualities made him many friends—in fact we do not think he had a real enemy in the world—and the deepest sympathy was felt for him during his long illness by all classes of the community. But pulmonary consumption had seized his weak frame, and although he had the able attendance of Dr. Fiaschi, and all the kindness possible of his friends, after 11 weeks confinement to bed he succumbed to fate and passed away to his rest. We can only hope that his spirit has gone to a happier and better sphere of existence, where sickness and trouble shall be felt no more.
Although the notice was short his funeral on Sunday evening to the Presbyterian Cemetery was most numerously and respectably attended, all the leading residents of the town being present to pay the last tribute of respect to their departed young friend: and it was a most singular coincidence that immediately following his was another funeral, of a Mr. William Armour, who was about the same age and who went to school with him at his father's. They had been happy in their lives, and in death they were not divided.
'Walker, Robert Dalglish (1844–1881)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/walker-robert-dalglish-16169/text28123, accessed 14 March 2025.
22 June,
New South Wales,
1 January,
(aged 36)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.