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John Topp (?–1902)

After a lingering illness extending ever about three months Cr. John Topp died at his residence, South Warragul, at an early hour on Wednesday last. The deceased gentleman contracted influenza about three months ago, and although not much notice was taken of the malady at that time it gradually assumed a more serious nature, and when the system was apparently least able to cope with disease he contracted typhoid fever. His life hung in the balance for some weeks, when other complications supervened and the end came at last on Wednesday.

Cr. Topp was elected as a representative of the South Riding of the Warragul shire about three years ago, and at the last elections his services were rewarded by the ratepayers by his being returned to the council unopposed. He was an upright honorable man, which is the highest tribute we can pay to his memory; but apart from this excellent trait of his character, he was affable and kind hearted, and a favorite with those who knew him best.

At the meeting of the shire council on Wednesday, when the ensign flew at "half mast high" over the shire hall, as a token of respect to the deceased councillor, President McFarland made a very touching reference to the virtues of their late comrade, and on the motion of the President, seconded by Cr. Hansen, the council adjourned until Friday.

On resuming council business on Friday further sympathetic reference was made to the deceased gentleman, and the following resolution was carried:—

McFarland, McNeil—That the members of this council individually wish to give expression to their profound grief on hearing of the death of their esteemed colleague Councillor Topp, and collectively as a council desire to place on record their deep sense of the great loss that the council as well as the ratepayers have sustained through his lamented decease, by bearing their testimony to his worth, his uprightness, his urbanity and his assiduous attention to the wants of the rate-payers, and his duty as a councillor; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to his widow.

The remains of the deceased councillor were conveyed to the Warragul general cemetery on Thursday. The funeral cortege included 39 vehicles and over 50 horsemen and was one of the largest ever seen in the district. On passing the Shire hall the councillors and officers of the Shire joined in the procession, as a mark of respect to the memory of deceased. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. J. Jones, who delivered a very touching address at the grave side. The arrangements for the interment were entrusted to Messrs Miller Bros., of Warragul.

Original publication

Citation details

'Topp, John (?–1902)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

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