The death of the late Lieut. C. H. Tindal, M.C., at Yokohama on 3rd May, at the early age of 38, came as a great shock to his many friends. Being in indifferent health for some time, really the cause of having been gassed at the war, he was on a holiday trip to Japan to try and regain his former health. At the outbreak of the war he was gaining experience on his father's station, Gunyan, Inglewood, Q., but immediately joined up with the Field Artillery, and was later awarded the Military Cross. He was both a well-known pastoralist and a great sportsman, being the owner of Ramornie Station, Copmanhurst, N.S.W., where he ran a fine herd of Hereford cattle, which were renowned in the Sydney and Brisbane show rings. At Caramana, South Grafton, where he made his home, he had an excellent Guernsey stud, having purchased the whole of the Milton Park herd. These cattle also took many prizes in the show rings. As a sportsman he was president of the Clarence River Jockey Club, which position he filled splendidly, and he owned various race horses.
'Tindal, C. F. (1888–1926)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 12 September 2024.