Herbert Thornton, who died in Melbourne on Thursday, 28th August, was the only son of the late John Thornton, of Mount Myrtoon, Camperdown, Victoria. He was educated at the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne, and left there in 1883. The school records show that during that year he was in the School XI:, the football team, and the rowing four. He married Effie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, of Rennie Hills, Camperdown. Mrs. Harold Grimwade and Mrs. George Hood, of Melbourne, were his sisters. Quite recently, he and his family moved into the new homestead at Mt. Myrtoon. His father, John Thornton, was a celebrated English cricketer, and the son was a noted polo player until a serious accident prevented further play. Herbert Thornton was well known in the Albury district, where he owned Bray Springs, which he sold to Mr. Cedric Battle a few years ago, when he purchased Henley-on-the-Yarra, near Lilydale, and other property in Victoria. Just now and then our souls are stirred within us by the seem¬ing injustice which takes from our midst comparatively young and well-loved men and women, while we older people that might more easily be spared, remain. The news of Herbert Thornton's sudden death came as a great shock to a wide circle of friends who loved him for his probity, his straight dealing and honourable ways, and for his philosophical humour and clean mindedness which banished from his presence all that was unwholesome or unclean. A man of such sterling character could not make personal complaint, and when illness came to him a year ago, he faced it as such a very brave and gallant gentleman would. He was buried at Camperdown on the 30th, leaving a widow, two sons, two daughters, and a host of friends and relatives to lament their irreparable loss.
S.V.S., 'Thornton, Herbert (1866–1924)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/thornton-herbert-970/text971, accessed 12 March 2025.