It is with much regret we record the death of Dr. William Robert Stewart, of Evandale, suddenly on Thursday, 23rd April. He was walking about the township in the morning, and about noon he was seized with a fit of apoplexy which rendered him insensible, and after the lapse of three hours he died. The occurrence cast quite a gloom over the district, which the suddonness of the event greatly enhanced. Deceased was much respected by all who knew him, and the circle of his acquaintance was an extensive one. He had been accustomed for years to take an interest in the affairs of the district, and was a friend to the cause of religion and education, which, he promoted and encouraged in an unsectarian spirit. He was a leading member of the Scotch Kirk, of which the Rev. Robert S. Duff is now minister. He was for some years, up to 1873, a member of the Evandale Municipal Council, and filled the office of Warden in 1872. Dr Stewart's name was added to the Commision of the Peace, May 15th, 1866. He had formerly practised his profession in Hobart Town, but many years ago succeeded to the practice of the late Dr. Huxtable to whom he was related by marriage. A son of deceaseed, who has gained high educationial honors in Tasmainia, is at present a student at college in London. The funeral took place on 28th inst. at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Evandale. There was a large attendance on the occasion: Mr Charles Stewart, a son of deceased, and Mr C. H. Huxtable, of Hobart Town, his brother-in-law, with a his nephew, Mr F. Huxtable, of Low Head, officiated as chief mourners. Mr John Whitehead, M. L. A., Rev. J. W. Simmons, of Union Chapel of Union Chapel, Hobart Town, the former pastor of Dr. Stewart when some years ago he lived in the capital, Mr John Ralston, and Mr John Gibson were the pall-bearers. The Revs. R. S. Duff, J. Lindsay, A. N. Mason, and J. Storey, and W. Sidebottom, the Wardens of Evandale, several of the Councillors of the municipality, and a large number of the most influential residents from many miles round were also prersent, as well a the children of St. Andrew's Sunday School, of which deceased was the Supintendent.
'Stewart, William Robert (1828–1874)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 15 March 2025.
23 April,
(aged 45)
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