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W. M. Ronald (1839–1896)

Mr. W. M. Ronald, of "Nebea" station, near Coonamble, N.S.W., died on the 13th ult., after a painful though, happily, a comparatively short illness. The deceased gentleman was in the best of health up to the end of last year, when a growth commenced in his neck. He journeyed to Sydney to seek medical advice, and, after undergoing an operation, returned to his home with the full knowledge that his ailment was beyond medical aid. He died at the age of fifty-five years. Mr. Ronald had resided at "Nebea" for over twenty years, and took a lively interest in all local matters. He was several times president of the Coonamble Pastoral and Agricultural Association, and one of the vice-presidents at the time of death. He was also a member of the Pastures and Stock Board, having been chairman last year. He was a licensing magistrate, president of the local Tennis Club, and chairman of the Pastoralists' Union District Committee. He was a staunch member of the Union, and whilst most liberal in his dealings with his employees, insisted on his right to manage his business himself. His resistance to unauthorised and irresponsible dictation cost him much expense in 1891, and again in 1894, but he stood loyally by his fellow members and fought for the principles of the Union to the last. Much sympathy is expressed for his widow and two children.

By the death of Mr. W. M. Ronald, of Nebea, the Castlereagh district (N.S.W.) loses one of its very best men. The burly figure of the late senior partner in Nebea station will be no more seen at the annual Coonamble show, nor will visitors and friends be welcomed by his cheery voice, proclaiming him, with a hearty slap on his capacious chest, to be "Ronald of Nebea." Mr. Ronald was well known in the district far and wide, and as well liked as he was well known. By rich and poor alike he was respected as a straight honourable citizen, a good husband and father, and a liberal and just employer. It was sad for all his friends, and came to them all as a great shock, when it was reported that, notwithstanding the efforts of a most skilful doctor, the strong man who looked health itself had only a few weeks to live, and that he had returned to his home to die. But so it was, and after a painful illness Mr. Ronald passed away in the home where he had lived for over twenty years universally respected. Mr. Ronald was a good judge of sheep, and always sent an excellent contribution to the very good exhibits at the Coonamble show.

Original publication

Citation details

'Ronald, W. M. (1839–1896)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

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