We regret to have to record the death of Sir Frederick Pottinger, Bart., which took place on the 9th April, at the Victoria Club, at a quarter before two o'clock in the afternoon. It will be remembered that about a month since while returning to Sydney, Sir Frederick was wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol. A fortnight ago the bullet was extracted, and his entire recovery was anticipated, as after a few days he was able to go about. On the 2nd instant, however, he suffered a relapse, and was confined to his bed; on the 5th instant inflammation of a serious character set in and leeches had to be applied. Since then he gradually grew worse, and on Saturday all hopes of his recovery were at an end. On Sunday morning a decided change for the worse took place; at ten o'clock he became insensible and gradually sank. The deceased gentleman was the son of the late Sir Henry Pottinger, who was created a baronet in 1839 for the able manner in which he discharged his duties as Political Resident at Cutch and Scinde, being at that time a Major-General in the service of the East India Company; in 1841 he was appointed Envoy to China for the settlement of the differences with that country. Sir Frederick Pottinger held at one time a commission in the Guards; shortly after his arrival in this colony he obtained an appointment in the Police Force, and on the new Police Act coming into force he was appointed a Police Inspector, which office he filled until about three months since. Sir Frederick died in his thirty-fourth year. The internment of the remains of the late Sir Frederick Pottinger took place on the morning of the 11th April, at the Randwick Cemetery. The funeral was attended by several of the principal Government officials, and also by a number of gentlemen who were personally intimate with the deceased baronet and who desired to pay the last tribute of respect. Amongst the mourners were - the Premier, the Minister for Public Works, the Hon. T. A. Murray, M.L.C; the Hon. T. Icely, M.L.C.; Messrs. Egan, Stimpson, and Pickering, M.L.A.'s ; the Surveyor-General, the Sheriff, the Water Police Magistrate, the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Superintendent Morisset, and Major Wingate. The funeral service was read by the Rev. Mr. Britten. We understand that the late Sir Frederick Pottinger requested that Mr. George F. Wise would arrange his affairs after his decease, and communicate with his mother and brother.
'Pottinger, Sir Frederick William (1831–1865)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/pottinger-sir-frederick-william-1515/text1521, accessed 17 February 2025.
Frederick Pottinger, c1860s
State Library of New South Wales, P1 / 1372
27 April,
9 April,
(aged 33)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.