Early on Saturday, 7th inst., Mr. Michael J. D. Page, of Kirribilli, died suddenly at Grafton, where he was making a short visit, en route to Brisbane. He had left Sydney, apparently in the best of health, on the previous Thursday, and the news of his death came as a great shock to his family, and to a wide circle of friends. He received the Last Sacraments from the Rev. Dr. T. Farrelly, P.P. The late Mr. Page was born 69 years ago at Gulgong; but his early years were spent mostly in the Camden district. He was educated at St. Joseph's College, Hunter's Hill, and remained in active association with the college old boys' union up to his death. He commenced a successful career in the P.M.G.'s Department, graduating through various positions until he became controller of the relief staff in New South Wales. In 1914 he transferred to the Commonwealth Electoral Department, and successively filled the positions of Returning Officer for West Sydney, Batman (Victoria), Eden Monaro (Queanbeyan), and North Sydney, to the date of his retirement. He rendered conspicuous service in various associations, and held the distinction of being a foundation organiser and an active member of the Commowealth Public Service Clerical Association. He was recognised as the father of the Commonwealth Service Superannuation scheme, and was the first member elected to the board, occupying this position from the inception of the scheme in 1922 until he retired from the service in May, 1936. In all his undertakings in the department he was recognised as a zealous, painstaking, and courteous officer.
The late Mr. Page was an exemplary Catholic. He attended Mass daily, and was well known in Catholic circles in Melbourne and Sydney because of his zealous activities. He was active in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and held office on the Particular Council in Sydney. He was also a director of the St. Vincent de Paul employment agency (the Australian Employment Bureau), a member of the Catholic Luncheon Club of Sydney, and foundation member of the Via Crucis committee.
Mr Page is survived by a son (Brian) and a daughter (Madeleine). His wife predeceased him. His mortal remains were brought to Sydney by train, and received on Sunday evening, at his late parish church, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Kirribilli, by Rev. Father T. Hehir, S.J. A guard of honour of St. Vincent de Paul members and a large gathering of friends attended and recited the Rosary.
Requiem Mass was celebrated on Monday morning by Rev. Father T. Hehir, S.J. (Rector of St. Aloysius College), the absolution being given by Rev. Father Murray, S.J. The church was crowded to capacity. The funeral left immediately afterwards for Rookwood Cemetery. The principal mourners were his son and daughter.
Among those present were the Ven. Archdeacon R, Collender, P.P. V.F., Very Rev. Father Peter Murphy, P.P., Rev. Fathers E. McAuliffe PP., O.B.E., R. J. Murphy, S.J., G. Collopy S.J., P. McGrath. S.J., M. Murray, S.J., G. Butler, M.S.C. (Douglas Park), Justin McGlynn F. X. O'Brien. S.J., C. McGinty, S.J. St. Joseph's College was represented by Rev. Brothers Felix, Wilfred. Angelus and Raymond, and the Grail Ladies by Miss Patricia Willenborg. Representatives from the Government Departments included the Electoral branch, taxation branch, Postal Unions, Superannuation Board, Commonwealth Bank, Superannuated officers, Postmaster-General's Department (F, Whysall, ex-deputy P.M.G.) and Customs Department. the St. Vincent de Paul Society. (Particular Council) was represented by Messrs. W. J. Coogan, L.C, J. L. Mullen, L.C., M. Ware; Via Crucis committee by Dr. Harold Norrie, Messrs. H. Morrissoy and P. L. Cantwell: Diocesan Holy Name Union by Dr H. H. Nowland (president); Continental Catholic Migrants' Committee, by Messrs. J E. Grigsby and C. H. Williamson; Catholic Luncheon Club, by Mr. M. J. O'Neill, K.C.S.G., P Dalton. C. B. Smith, W. A. Crick; 'Catholic Press,' by Mr. J. J. O'Brien; St. Joseph's College Old Boys' Union, by Messrs. Martin Hoare, J. J. Carroll, Crawley, T. J. Carroll, N. Cashman, N. Mullen. C. M. P. Horan; A.H.C. Guild, by Mr. J. C. Hurstwaite; St. Michael's Golf Club, by Messrs. R. J. Vaughnn and P. B. McDonald.
There was also a large attendance of prominent Catholics and business men.
Rev. Fathers Murray and Hehir officiated at the graveside. The funeral arrangements were conducted by W. N. Bull Pty Ltd. R.I.P.
'Page, Michael John (Mick) (1871–1940)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/page-michael-john-mick-34598/text43502, accessed 20 September 2024.
23 May,
New South Wales,
7 December,
(aged 69)
New South Wales,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.