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Matthew O'Shanassy (1846–1900)

We regret to record the death, at the age of fifty-four, of Mr. Matthew O'Shanassy, so well known in pastoral and racing circles in Victoria and Riverina. The deceased, who was fifty-four years of age, was the only surviving son of the late Sir John O'Shanassy, and gained his pastoral experience mainly on Moira station, in New South Wales on the Victorian border. He devoted himself mainly to carrying on the pastoral ventures in which his father had been engaged, and to the promotion of racing. He was of very unassuming manner, and, though requested on several occasions to take a part in public affairs, always declined to do so. He had been in ill-health for more than three years, his condition having been aggravated by immersion in the Murray, through the upsetting of a boat, about two years ago. Though occasionally able to leave his house, he was for the most part compelled to remain indoors. He suffered a collapse on Tuesday of last week, and remained unconscious until death.

Mr. O'Shanassy was a member of the V.R.C. committee for several years, and also a member and for a time chairman of the V.A.T.C.

Original publication

Citation details

'O'Shanassy, Matthew (1846–1900)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

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