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Clive Newland (1878–1919)

A fatal accident occurred to Dr. Clive Newland, of Morphett Vale, on Saturday, while he was answering, on his motor cycle, an urgent call to Noarlunga. No one actually witnessed the accident, which happened on the railway line, near Morphett Vale, about 11 a.m. It appears from what can be gathered from those who arrived on the scene shortly afterwards, among whom was Mr. Philip R. Lee, of Grant-avenue, Toorak, that it was connected with the passing of the 9.7 mixed from Adelaide about ten minutes before Mr. Lee reached the spot. The first people at the crossing, which is about two miles and a quarter from Morphett Vale, were an elderly gentleman, two ladies, and their chauffeur in a motor car. It was impossible to see anything of the unfortunate victim until the motor was almost on top of him. The chauffeur immediately went to a house nearby for assistance, but there was only a lady there. When he returned Mr. Lee, who was motoring home from Victor Harbor, arrived. About the same time a motor car with four gentlemen passengers reached the spot. The men got the doctor into Mr Lee's car, and Mr. Lee brought him straight to Parkwynd Hospital, Wakefield-street. Mr. Lee stated on Saturday afternoon that it appeared to him the doctor had been riding his motor cycle against a strong head wind, and must have had his head down, so that he faded to notice the oncoming train, until it was almost upon him. He then evidently swerved sharply in an attempt to get out of the way over the crossing cattle-pit. When he was first observed he was lying in a heap with his limbs doubled up under him, bleeding profusely from the head, and was in a terrible state. The barbed wire of the cattle-pit was carried ten or twelve yards away, and Mr. Lee surmises that the doctor must have been hit by one of the carriages of the train. It was about 1 o'clock when the sufferer reached the hospital and Drs. Poulton, Ray, Scott, and Marter were there to attend to him. It was found that both his legs were broken, that he was suffering from serious skull injuries, and that he had been otherwise hurt. His condition was regarded as critical, and it was impossible to do much to relieve the sufferer, owing to his serious condition. Mr Simpson Newland, has father, and Mrs Newland, were at Victor Harbor, and a message was sent to them to come to the city at once. The doctor's wife was also summoned to the city. The patient remained unconscious, and died shortly before 6 o'clock.

The railway authorities in Adelaide have not received any reports of the occurrence from the officials who were on the train, and telephone enquiries by the secretary to the Railways Commissioner supported the view that the engine driver and guard were unaware an accident had happened.

On Saturday evening Sister Fry, on behalf of Dr. Poulton, reported to the City Watchhouse authorities the death of Dr. Newland. The cycle was found about 14 yards from the line. When the doctor was taken to the hospital he was in a dying condition.

The Coroner did not consider an inquest necessary.

Dr. Newland was the fourth son of Mr. Simpson Newland. He was born at "Undelcarra," Burnside, in 1879, and attended Queen's School and St. Peter's College. At an early age he gave promise of great attainments. Bearing a name honored in the community because of his father's splendid service rendered as a pioneer, publicist, and path finder, the son of the distinguished author of Paving the Way, possessed many of the qualities which were so conspicuous in his sire. He took his M.B. degree at the Adelaide University, and his M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. diplomas at the London University. Throughout his course he displayed marked natural ability, and the power of application which indicate the student temperament. By his genial disposition he made many friends, and although an earnest worker he found time for recreation in the field of sport. He was a man of versatile sympathies, both in his University days and in after life.

On his return to Adelaide 15 years ago he married Marjorie, daughter of the late Dr. A. A. Hamilton, and immediately began practice at Morphett Vale, where his many fine qualities found speedy recognition in the high esteem in which he was held. Dr. Newland in his college days was a fine lacrosse player, and was always interested in cricket. After he took up his residence at Morphett Vale he gave a considerable amount of his time to public affairs, especially in connection with agricultural and horticultural pursuits. At the time of his death he was president of the Morphett Vale Agricultural Society, which owed much to his enthusiasm. His death will be a great loss to the district, in which he was a familiar figure. He leaves a widow and three sons, the eldest of whom is about 13 years of age.

Original publication

Citation details

'Newland, Clive (1878–1919)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

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