We deeply regret to record the death of Mr. Francis Reid Murphy, M.L.A. of Queensland, which took place at the Criterion Hotel, Rockhampton, on the 24th January. Mr. Murphy was one of the founders of the Pastoralists' Association in Queensland, and throughout the recent troubles took a leading part in guiding the counsels of the association to a successful issue. He presided over the meeting of the Central Queensland Pastoralists' Association at Barcaldine last month, and it was on his return journey from thence towards his Northampton Downs station that he was attacked with dysentry, which proved fatal. Mr. F. R. Murphy was the eldest son of the late Sir Francis Murphy, formerly Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria. He was born in New South Wales in 1842, and educated at the Melbourne Grammar School. He was early engaged in pastoral pursuits on the properties of his late father, and the later years of his life have been spent for the most part in Queensland, where he held, in connection with his brothers, extensive pastoral interests. He took an active interest in public affairs, and seven years ago was elected to represent the important pastoral district of Barcoo in the Queensland Legislative Assembly. He has represented the district ever since. Whilst giving every interest fair consideration, he was specially valued for his representation of the pastoral industry, in which his constituents were more immediately engaged, and he will be regretted in public as in private life. Mr. Murphy leaves a wife and three children, who are at present in Europe.
'Murphy, Francis Reid (1842–1892)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/murphy-francis-reid-755/text756, accessed 14 March 2025.
New South Wales,
24 January,
(aged ~ 50)