We have just heard that Mr. Edmund Mitchell, the able secretary of the Pastoralists' Union of Victoria during the big shearing troubles of the early nineties, and at one time a partner in this paper, died suddenly in New York on 30th March, aged 58 years. At the time of his death he was busy on his new novel, The Call of Bells. Since leaving Australia, Mr. Mitchell, although filling many important situations, has continued writing novels and other most able works. He organised the Allied Aid Society of the United States, and his greatest wish was that his adopted country should go to the aid of the Allies. He passed away six days before the States declared war on Germany.
In his home life Mr. Mitchell was a most lovable man. At his funeral a solemn ceremonial was held at St. Paul's pro-Cathedral, New York. The urn containing the ashes of the dead man was draped with the American, Scottish, and English flags, and after the funeral rites were said, the shrilling bagpipes wailed their last lament. At the time of his death he was president of the Caledonia Club, and had served twice as president of the Celtic Club. He leaves a widow and five children, to whom our sincerest sympathy goes forth.
'Mitchell, Edmund (1859–1917)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/mitchell-edmund-731/text732, accessed 9 September 2024.