from Brisbane Courier
Mr. Hugh Miles Milman, Government Resident at Thursday Island, died at Southport on Saturday morning. The flags on the State public buildings were placed at half mast as a mark of respect.
Mr. Milman came to Brisbane about 10 days ago, having obtained sick leave. He went at once to Southport, where he became worse, and during the past few days his friends expected that he could not rally. A sad circumstance in connection with Mr. Milman's death is that Mrs. Milman's brother, Mr. John Jardine, with whom the late Government Resident was at one time in business, died last week—also at Southport.
The funeral of the late Mr. Milman moved from the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. R. S. Berry, Southport, on Saturday afternoon. Rain had fallen during the day, and showers continued up to 5 o'clock. All the chief Government departments were represented in the funeral procession. Those who arrived by the afternoon train included Hon. P. Macpherson, M.L.C., Messrs W. H. Ryder, I.S.O., T. S. King I.S.O., T. W. Connah, I.S.O., A. W. Jardine, E. A. Cullen (Engineer for Harbours and Rivers), H. Monteith, H. Herbert (Chief Secretary's Department). P. Hart, Rear Admiral Creswell, Captain Pennefather, Inspector Urquhart, and Lieut-Colonel R. A. Moore, P.M., (representing the Attorney General and Department of Justice). Among the others who attended the funeral were noticed Dr. R. S. Berry, Messrs. T. Chapman Judd, (superintendent of Pacific Cable Station) Donald Maclean, F. W. Manning, W. H. Greer, H. S. Bere, Councillor J. Siganto, Messrs. W. Scarborough, J. O. Chadwick, E. Fass, G. P. Andrews, H. Taylor, Sergeant Bell, and Rev. Barstowe. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. H. H. Dixon, M.A. The coffin was literally covered with flowers and among those who forwarded wreaths were his Excellency Sir William MacGregor, Hon. Digby F. Denham, (Premier and Chief Secretary), Hon. J. G. Appel, M.L.A., (Home Secretary) and Mrs. Appel, Mr. Justice Virgil Power and Mrs. Power, Captain Pennefather, the Under Secretary and officers of the Chief Secretary's Department, the Attorney-General and officers of the Department of Justice, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss W. H. Ryder, Mrs. J. R. Jardine, Miss Dolly Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maclean, Mr. and Mrs. George Eddington, Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Dixon, Mrs. Crombie, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, and Mr. J. Maddock Hughes.
Like many of those who have achieved distinction in the public service of Queensland, the late Mr. Hugh Miles Milman began his career in a very different walk of life. The second son of Sir William Milman, Bart., of Levaton, Devonshire, he was destined for the navy, and he left the paternal home at 14 years of age, and served for five years as a midshipman. Then he was invalided home, and some time afterwards he decided to emigrate to Australia and endeavour to make a fortune for himself, where from all he could learn, there was a much wider scope than in the old land. He arrived in Queensland in 1865, tall and commanding in figure, and physically well fitted to bear the strain of pioneering. He took up practically new country on the Barcoo, and like many of his stalwart contemporaries had many ups and downs. There were no royal roads to success. There were good seasons and bad, and the encouraging results of the former were often obscured by the losses and disappointments of the latter. About 1881 he had had enough of pastoral life, and being offered the post of Police Magistrate at Aramac, he entered the public service, and began the long and honourable career which has just terminated. He was an excellent magistrate, broad-minded, conscientious, and courteous. Two years later he was transferred to Cooktown, then a very important centre. There he served for upwards of 4½ years. The appointment of Hon. John Douglas, as Administrator of New Guinea, left the position of Government Resident at Thursday Island vacant and Mr. Milman was selected for the position. By a curious coincidence Mr. Douglas in after years again became Government Resident at Thursday Island and on his death Mr. Milman for the second time succeeded him. Both gentlemen rendered valuable service to the State in that position, as indeed in the many other posts they occupied. In addition to being Government Resident, Mr. Milman was also made Deputy Commissioner for the western portion of New Guinea, and Deputy Commissioner for the Western Pacific. The latter appointments carried with them the control of the islands 0f Torres Strait, and Mr. Milman saw a good deal of active service. He had not only to visit the various islands and provide for their supervision, but he had difficult and arduous work to do in New Guinea. On one occasion he headed an expedition which explored the Fly River for 100 miles—a somewhat hazardous undertaking in those days. He conducted many other expeditions in the execution of his duty. Brought much in contact with the native races, he won their respect by his kindly but firm treatment. The oftentimes more turbulent civilised and semi-civilised people he had also to deal with found in him a just and tactful administrator, and innumerable were the racial troubles which he tactfully solved. He made his mark as an able and conscientious administrator. After the Stamps Act of 1890 was passed he was brought to Brisbane to fill the position of Chief Commissioner of Stamps. He was, as already indicated, succeeded by Hon. John Douglas. In his new office he had to reorganise the system of the department but he soon had everything in good working order. He remained in that position until 1904, when death having called away Mr. Douglas, he was prevailed upon to resume his old position at Thursday Island. Latterly his health had not been good and as the symptoms became graver the end was not wholly unexpected. Born on August 4, 1845 Mr. Milman was 66 years of age. In 1871 he was married to the youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Jardine, then Chief Gold Commissioner for Queensland. There were issue of the marriage three children, the second of whom is married to Dr. Berry, of Southport.
'Milman, Hugh Miles (1845–1911)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/milman-hugh-miles-14478/text25580, accessed 11 March 2025.
Hugh Milman, n.d.
State Library of Queensland, 185041
23 September,
(aged 66)
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
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