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Thomas Millear (?–1895)

Sheepbreeders all over Australia will have heard with regret of the decease of Mr. Thomas Millear, one of the proprietors of the famous Wanganella flock of stud Merinos. About two years ago Mr. Millear suffered from a severe attack of illness, but it was generally understood among his friends that he had almost regained his former robust health. The deceased gentleman was an old resident in the Western district of Victoria, and ever since he arrived in the colony he devoted his whole attention to pastoral pursuits. For the development of this important industry he was well fitted by the possession of those natural qualifications without which no one can hope to become an eminent breeder of stud stock. It was no small degree owing to his judgment and knowledge of stock-breeding that the famous Wanganella flock has for so many years maintained its place in the very front rank of Australian Merinos. Last year Mr. Millear and Mr. A. Austin, the proprietors of Wanganella, divided the estate and stud flock; and Mr. Millear elected to reside on that portion of the estate which fell to his share, in order that he might pay closer attention to the breeding of stud sheep. He built a handsome mansion, in which, however, he did not reside long. In Mr. Millear Australia has lost a good citizen and one of the foremost sheepbreeders of his time.

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Citation details

'Millear, Thomas (?–1895)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


New South Wales, Australia

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