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Michael McDonald (1842–1920)

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Michael McDonald, which occurred at his residence, 16 Grattan-street, Carlton, in the early hours of Tuesday morning 8th inst. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time, and his death was not unexpected. He passed peacefully away, fortified by the rites of the Church, administered to him by the Rev. Fr. J. McNamara, of St. George's Church, Carlton. The late Mr. McDonald was a native of Middleton, County Cork, Ireland, and at the time of his death was in his 78th year. He came to Australia on May 1st, 1858, at the age of 16 years. For some years he engaged in gold mining in New Zealand and New South Wales. Subsequently he went to the Ballarat diggings, and opened an aerated water business. In 1872 he came to Melbourne and purchased the well-known interest of Prevot and Belton. That business he carried on till within the last few years. Latterly he was connected with the firm of Messrs. Fogarty, Doyle and Co.

The deceased was closely identified with the Irish cause in Victoria, and held office in the Land League. He succeeded the late Mr. Tom Fogarty as president of that body in the 80's, and when that organisation was merged into the Irish National League he succeeded the late Dr. O'Donnell as president. He was one of the founders of the Celtic Club, of which he was president for a term. Mr. James O'Grady is the only surviving member of the Irish Land League. The late Mr. McDonald was closely associated with the work of the late Mr. Joseph Winter (of "The Advocate") in the Irish cause, and was one of the committee of the Winter Scholarship Fund. The deceased took a practical interest in promoting the study of Irish history. For some four years he gave a gold medal annually (£5) to the Catholic schools as a prize for a competition in Irish history

The following are left to mourn their great loss:—The widow, Mrs. McDonald, Messrs. J. T., Patrick, W. (Bank of Victoria, Wodonga), Leo (Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne), Dr. Edward (Bacchus Marsh), Mary, Mother Mary Monica (Loreto Convent, Hamilton). Mother Mary Augustine (Presentation Convent, Inglewood).

The remains were removed to St. George's Church, Carlton, on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, and the funeral left the church at 3 o'clock for the Melbourne General Cemetery. R.I.P.

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Citation details

'McDonald, Michael (1842–1920)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


Cork, Ireland


8 June, 1920 (aged ~ 78)
Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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