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George Martin (1830–1905)

from Glen Innes Examiner

We are quite sure all who knew the late Mr. George Martin will deeply regret to learn of his demise. In parlous health when he left Glen Innes some few weeks ago he gradually succumbed to an internal complaint, passing away at his residence, Croydon, Sydney, on Wednesday. In his youth, the deceased followed a maritime occupation and he experienced many incidents of an exciting nature, including the running of a blockade in South America, at the time when the position in that part of the world was a most critical one. Subsequently he joined the civil service of New South Wales, and was one of the principals in the establishment of that excellent institution, The Vernon (subsequently the Sobraon), which has done so much to reclaim regenerate youth. A thorough scholar, the late Mr. Martin was in our experience, a man who had no superior in learning and was probably one of the best read men we have ever conversed with. He had a deep grasp of all great questions affecting the well-doing of the people and he felt for the betterment of his fellows. When called to the position of Police Magistrate his ability was fully demonstrated, and as a public adjudicator his decisions were rarely, if ever, questioned. He fulfilled the honorable position of chief magistrate in Glen Innes for nearly 25 years, and when he was removed to Wagga Wagga he well maintained the honorable reputation for high integrity he had won while resident in Glen Innes, indeed as regards the deceased, "Justice with mercy always whirled in equal measure." Apart from his official duties, the last Mr. Martin took a deep but silent interest in the welfare of Glen Innes, and was the primary mover in establishing the Glen Innes Hospital, of which he was first President, and up to a few years ago a prominent worker on behalf of suffering humanity as regards the institution named, and now justly recognised as one of the most benevolent for the treatment of the sick and the poor. Of a retiring nature but generous and hospitable to a degree the deceased gentleman was one whom to know was to admire. Although officially he could not take part in political matters, the late Mr. Martin had a thorough grasp of all questions affecting the advancement of the country and on the fiscal question he was a deep student, and no one knew more than he in regard to the question. A thorough protectionist he hoped to live to realise his desire and see the wheel of local industry whirling to the fullest extent throughout the Commonwealth. He has gone to rest in the winter of his life, leaving behind a reputation for honor, integrity and uprightness. The deceased was a brother of the late Chief Justice Martin, and leaves one sister to mourn her loss.

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Citation details

'Martin, George (1830–1905)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


October, 1830
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


20 December, 1905 (aged 75)
Croydon, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death


Cultural Heritage

Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.

Religious Influence

Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.

Key Organisations
Political Activism