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Sydney Linton (1841–1894)

Profound regret was expressed in the city today in consequence of the unexpected death of the Right Rev. Sydney Linton, D.D., Bishop of Riverina. Telegrams received during the day by his widow and the Bishop of Melbourne showed that the feeling of regret was general throughout the colonies. The deceased prelate arrived in Melbourne yesterday from Adelaide by express train, and was at once taken to Dr Fitzgerald's private hospital. He visited Melbourne on the occasion of the consecration of the Bishop of Grafton and Armidale, and was then apparently in good health though some cause for anxiety had existed for the past two years.

The somewhat lengthened journey through his diocese since his visit here had aggravated the source of the mischief. His condition of health on his arrival on Tuesday was much more serious than his friends anticipated would be the case. On his admission to Dr. Fitzgerald's private hospital he was in a very low state. Dr Fitzgerald called Dr Williams in consultation, with the result that it was deemed that an operative interference with the cancer from which he suffered was inadvisable. Death occurred shortly before midnight. The body was removed today from Dr. Fitzgerald's private hospital to St. Paul's Cathedral, where it was laid out in state. No service was held in the cathedral during the day, but at the organ recital by Mr Ernest Wood in the afternoon the "Dead March in Saul" (Handel) was performed. The Bishop of Melbourne arrived in Melbourne from Ballarat today, and made arrangements for the burial tomorrow. In accordance with the wish of Mrs Linton the funeral will be a private one. At half-past 1 o'clock the first portion of the service for the dead will be read in the cathedral, the Bishop of Melbourne officiating. At about 2 o'clock the funeral procession will be formed, and will proceed to the Kew Cemetery, where the interment will take place. During the progress of the procession the cathedral bells will ring a muffled peel.

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Citation details

'Linton, Sydney (1841–1894)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


2 July, 1841
Diddington, Huntingdonshire, England


15 May, 1894 (aged 52)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Cause of Death

cancer (not specified)

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