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Arthur Levetus (1877–1916)

There was widespread regret in the early part of the present week, when the news became known that Lieut. [Arthur] Levetus had been killed in France on July 28 last. The deceased officer had a wide circle of friends, both on the goldfields and in the metropolitan area, and many of these can, as yet, hardly realise that they will see his face no more. He was closely identified with the Labor movement—a movement which has for its basis the protection of the weak against the strong, and he died as he lived — making the greatest sacrifice that a man can make, in an heroic struggle against military arrogance and autocratic power.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori—"It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country."

The late Lieut. Levetus had travelled extensively through Europe, Egypt, India, China and other parts of Asia, and it was in India that he first acquired military experience. He arrived on the eastern goldfields from Victoria about six years ago and soon made his presence felt in Labor circles. He was an excellent union secretary, and afterwards became goldfields representative of the "Westralian Worker." while, later on, he came to Perth and took over the position of manager. He was also a capable journalist, and many an excellent article appeared in this paper under the pen-name of "Gossip." Only a few weeks ago we published two neat little sets of verses written by him in the trenches.

He took great interest in the rising generation and it is safe to say that there has been no more popular area officer than the late Lieut. Levetus. To see the happy smile that invariably lighted up the faces of the cadets when they met their officer was an inspiration. It told its own tale. The men under his charge at Blackboy swore by him, and no more popular officer has left these shores for the blood-stained field of Europe.

It is with a heavy heart that we pen these lines for nothing has brought home the awfulness of the war to his comrades in the "Worker" office more than the death of Lieut. Levetus. In every heart is the most poignant regret, and the deepest sympathy goes out to his widow. Mr. and Mrs. Levetus had been married only about three years, and it is hard indeed that death should have separated them so soon. Yet there is consolation in the fact that he died for his country, and in defence of those great principles of right and justice, without which life would indeed be a sorry affair.

Comrade, farewell, we mourn you gone.
You nobly strove for brotherhood;
Abhorred the evil, loved the good,
The eternal voice rings out. "Well done”

Our goldfields correspondent writes: —The sad news of the death of Lieut. Arthur Levetus came as a great shock to his many friends on the goldfields, and none felt it more keenly than those who had been closely associated with him in the Labor movement on the goldfields. During his residence on these fields he was an earnest and very active worker in the cause of Labor and did some splendid organising and secretarial work in connection with various unions. His work in the Arbitration Court was also of great value to the unions he at various times represented. His loss will be mourned also by the very many young lads in whom he took an active interest through his connection with the Y.A.L. movement and the cadets. Indeed, his life was one of ceaseless activity, and he made hosts of friends. Deep sympathy is felt for Mrs. Levetus in her bereavement.

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Citation details

'Levetus, Arthur (1877–1916)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


22 January, 1877
Montreal, Quebec, Canada


29 July, 1916 (aged 39)
Pozieres, France

Cause of Death

killed in action

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