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Thomas Learmonth (1818–1903)

The death is announced of Mr. Thomas Livingstone-Learmonth, formerly a member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, and one of the earliest pioneers of that State. Mr. Learmonth and his brother, the late Mr. Somerville Livingstone-Learmonth, arrived in 1837; bringing with them three cargoes of sheep, and with these they occupied the country at Inverleigh, and afterwards at Buninyong. In January, 1838, they explored the country from Mount Macedon by Mount Alexander, Forest Creek, and Bendigo, to the Mount Beckwith Ranges, on the western portion of which they finally settled, calling the hill "Ercildoun," an ancient family name in Scotland. At Ercildoun they becameso successful in the breeding of merino sheep that the name of their flock was regarded as amongst the highest in Australia. Mr. Learmonth and his brothers subsequently bought Groongal, a large property on the Murrumbidgee River, which some ten or twelve years ago was subdivided into three, that portion known as Bringagee falling to Mr. Learmonth's lot. He retired in 1868 to the family property, Park Hall, Polmont, Scotland, where (says the Melbourne Argus) he continued to reside till his death. He was born on May 2, 1818.

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Citation details

'Learmonth, Thomas (1818–1903)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]

Alternative Names
  • Livingstone-Learmonth, Thomas



1903 (aged ~ 85)

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