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George Langley (1816–1878)

from Cumberland Mercury

It is with much regret that we record the death of another old resident of Parramatta— Mr George Langley, J.P, and C.P.S.—which took place at his residence, Albert-street, during the night of Wednesday. Mr Langley had, as many of our readers are doubtless aware, been incapacitated from performing the active duties of his office for many months, but, although his restoration to health was not expected, it was not anticipated that the end was so near. The deceased gentleman was one of the oldest officers in the Government service, and for more than thirty years he had filled the office which he occupied at the time of his death. We have received a copy of the S. M. Herald, dated March 15, 1853, in which a letter is published from an old townsman who has since passed away—Mr Hugh Taylor, father of one of the present members for Parramatta—who a quarter of a century ago called upon the townspeople of Parramatta to present Mr Langley with a testimonial in recognition of his long and able services as a public officer. From this letter it appears that Mr Langley had then been nearly thirteen years in the public service, and after a lapse of six or seven years, during which he was largely engaged in squatting pursuits, he returned to his old office, in which he has ever since continued. Until the deceased became incapacitated by his last illness, he was a highly efficient clerk of petty sessions and an able and conscientious magistrate. The letter we have referred to, alluding to his withdrawal after thirteen years' service, says:—"It is only necessary to say that on all occasions Mr Langley was accessible to every person who had any grievance to be redressed: he was ever ready to point out the means of relief. It is well known that he was respected by all classes of the inhabitants, who ever regarded him as their public friend. Consequently, the withdrawal of his usefulness in many respects will be deeply regretted by the community at large."—This testimony to the official merits of the deceased will be re-echoed now by many old residents of Parramatta, who knew Mr Langley when his physical and mental powers were not weakened by repeated illness.

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Other Obituaries for George Langley

Citation details

'Langley, George (1816–1878)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 September 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


22 June, 1816
Tipperary, Ireland


21 August, 1878 (aged 62)
Parramatta, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cause of Death

heart disease

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