The late Mr. Arthur K. Jones, who died from shock as the result of burns received fighting bush fires on Saltern Creek Station, Central Queensland, was a son of the late Mr. A. B. Jones, a well-known western Queensland pioneer. He was born on Brunell Downs, his father's station, and educated at Maitland, N.S.W. He returned to Queensland and subsequently held the position of sheep overseer on Nive Downs for some years. From there he was appointed by the Scottish Australian Investment Company to the management of Corella Station, Bourke, N.S.W., where he remained for fourteen years, until his appointment by the same company eighteen months ago to Saltern Creek, where he met his death.
The late Mr. A. K. Jones leaves a widow, the only daughter of the late Mr. Huie Z. Armstrong, late of Milroy Station, Brewarrina, N.S.W. (whose obituary notice also appears in this issue), and three young sons.
'Jones, Arthur K. (?–1919)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 21 September 2024.
from Pastoral Review, 15 February 1919