The funeral of the late Mr. Albert Edward Hewitt, of 6 Vaucluse-street, Claremont, took place yesterday afternoon, when his remains were interred in the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The Rev. J. Green, of the Claremont Methodist Church, conducted the service at the graveside, and in the course of the service the hymn "Abide with Me" was sung at the request of the relatives. At the conclusion of the service and before the benediction the Druids' funeral service was read by Brother J. E. Reader (Grand President).
The late Mr. Hewitt was born at Birmingham, England, and arrived in Australia when he was 19 years of age. He lived in Victoria for 10 years and came to Western Australia 40 years ago. He was one of the first employees at Metter's foundry in West Perth, where he was foreman of the stove fitters for a long period. Mr. Hewitt left the employ of Metters and opened the Westral foundry, Perth, from which he retired in 1918. He was a very active member of the Druids for many years, being a past Grand President, and was a Grand Lodge Trustee for a long period. Mr. Hewitt was also a foundation member of the Pride of Leederville Lodge and retained his membership until the time of his death. For some years he was interested in the Masonic craft and was a member of the Swan Doric Lodge, but resigned his membership owing to ill-health, which he had suffered for about seven years. He was of bright and cheerful disposition, highly respected and devoted to his home and family. He leaves a wife, one son, three daughters and three grandchildren to mourn their loss.
The chief mourners were Mr. A. E. Hewitt (son), Misses Jean and Beryl Hewitt (daughters). Mr. W. G. Savage (son-in-law), Mrs. A. K. Hewitt (daughter-in-law). Master A. E. Hewitt (grandson), Mr. H. A. Miller (brother-in-law), Mrs. E. M. Arcus (sister-in-law). Messrs. B. and R. Miller (nephews), Misses D. and S. Arcus (nieces) and Mr. Jack Bell, Mesdames R. Jeffery and E. Roberts (cousins). The pallbearers were Messrs. J. E. Reader, Grand President, W. Reader and J. Blinco. Past Grand Presidents, Grand Lodge Trustees (Grand Lodge U.A.O.D.); W. H. Rankin, Arch Druid (Pride of Leedervile Lodge No. 341 U.A.O.D.); J. Coram General secretary, W.A. Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers Union), and J. Weaver. Members of the Grand Lodge. Board of Directors and other Brethren of the U.A.O.D. in regalia preceded the hearse from the cemetery gates to the grave side. Among those present were Messrs. B. J. Banfield, W. H. Sweetser. W. H. Devine, W. Wheeler. W. H. Gummow and C. L. Cook. Past Grand Presidents: E. H. Hodgson and J. E. Richardson (Grand Lodge U.A.O.D.), L G. Scott, PA., E. Bower, R. J. Dickson, A. F. Poole, W. H. Bankin, A.D., and E. L. MacGregor (Pride of Leederville Lodge); K. Beaton. secretary (Triumph Lodge No. 96); E. Martin (Prosperity Lodge U.A.O.D.). B. Hitcher (Karrakatta Lodge), J. Duncan (Beaconsfeld Lodge), R. Q. Bradbury (Westral Foundry), W. H. Newland, D. A. Deas, T. Holt, T. Morgan, G. Bennett, G. L. Martin, J. Pearce, W. J. Young, J. C. Teller, W. P. Conigrave, L. O'Keefe, J. H. W. Vickidge, J. Scott, A. W. Moebius, A. J. Williamson, W. A. Weaver, H. Motteram, W. Highet, and S. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Urry and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lynch, and Mesdames S. Ptolomey and V. Young. Numerous floral tributes were placed on the grave and widespread expressions of sympathy have been extended to the bereaved relatives.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Arthur E. Davies and Company.
'Hewitt, Albert Edward (1867–1937)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 5 February 2025.
31 August,
(aged ~ 70)
Claremont, Perth,
Western Australia,
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.
Includes the religion in which subjects were raised, have chosen themselves, attendance at religious schools and/or religious funeral rites; Atheism and Agnosticism have been included.