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James Henderson (1850–1923)


At his residence, Wahnfried, Drummoyne, the death occurred yesterday of Mr. James Henderson, formerly general manager ot the City Bank of Sydney. Mr. Henderson joined the bank in 1887, and retired from its service in 1916.

Mr. Henderson's death removes anotner veteran banking chief. He wns born in 1850 near Inverkolthney, Banffshire, where hi sfamily for generations had been tanners. He was educated at a school in Aberdeenshlie, and at the age of 17 was apprenticed to Messrs. J. and. J. Crombie, proprietors of the Granholm Mills, Aberdeen. In three years he had learned the business throughout. Including office work, but, in addition, he studied shorthand, and became secretary, and later vice-president, of the Glasgow Shorthand Writers' Association. In 1870 Mr. Henderson entered the counting-house of Mr. T. R. Johnstone, a Glasgow merchant, and within two years had risen to the position of cashier. For six years he occupied this post, and was then advised for health reasons to leave for Australia.

Accepting this advice, Mr. Henderson left Scotland in 1878 by the R.M.S. Chimbornzo. His delicate state of health was by no means improved by his experiences when that vessel went ashore near Jervis Bay, and was wrecked, though all the passengers were rescued. Soon after landing in Sydney he secured a position with the Bank of Now South Wales, and three years later joined the English, Scottish, and Australian Bank. He was accountant at the Sydney branch of that institution, when the position ot assistant manager at the City Bank of Sydney in 1887 was offered to and accepted by him. Ten years later Mr. Henderson was appointed general manager, and he fulfilled the duties of that office with distinction unitl his retirement at the end of 1916.

Mr. Henderson was a fellow of the Royal Economic Society, and nearly 40 years ago, while engaged in the practical work of a banker, he contributed to the "Sydney Morning Herald" a series of articles on "Land and Currency." Another series on "Early Colonial Banks" was equally interesting. Many papers were road by him before the Australian Economic Association and the Bankers' Institute of New South Wales, of which latter organisation he was a vice-president at one period. In his early days Mr. Henderson was an excellent horseman, and he also found time for swimming and rowing, besides indulging in amateur theatricals. In later years billiards, bowls, and occasional golf were his chief pleasures.

In 1882 Mr. Henderson married a daughter of the late Mr. R. P. Richardson, of the firm of Richardson and Wrench, Ltd. He is survived by his widow, two sons, and two daughters. Another son was killed on active service.

The funeral will take place to-day, the cortege being timed to leave the residence in St. George's-crescent, Drummoyne, at 2.30 p.m., for the Field of Mars Cemetery.

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Citation details

'Henderson, James (1850–1923)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 27 July 2024.

© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2024

Life Summary [details]


20 June, 1850
Inverkeithney, Banffshire, Scotland


18 July, 1923 (aged 73)
Drummoyne, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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