The fourth annual show of the Goulburn Valley (Vic.) Sheep Breeders' Association last month was marred by the death of Mr. Harold Hawkins, of The Pines, Shepparton, Vic., who collapsed immediately after his yearling Southdown ram had been awarded the championship. The late Mr. Hawkins, who was one of the best-known cattle and sheep breeders in Victoria, had been ill for more than two years, but had persisted in exhibiting his stock at all major shows. Following his collapse, he was taken to hospital, but died there three hours later.
At The Pines, Mr. Hawkins bred Ayrshire cattle and Southdown and Shropshire sheep. He had formerly bred pedigree dogs and poultry. He also bred in partnership with his brother, S. T. Hawkins, of Springfield, Finley, N.S.W., Poll Hereford cattle and Corriedale and Dorset Horn sheep.
The late Mr. Hawkins was highly regarded as a judge of all classes of livestock, and his services had been sought consistently for many years for judging major shows. He had been one of the leaders of the Southdown Breeders' Association.
'Hawkins, Harold (?–1956)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 1 April 2025.