The death occurred here suddenly last Friday of George Gibbs, President of the Waterside section of the North Australian Workers' Union, public officer of the Northern Territory Council of Aboriginal Rights and well-known member of the Communist Party of Australia.
He would have been 60 on September 17.
Mr. Gibbs first came to the Territory in the 1930's and was a foundation member of the Workers' Club in 1946.
He had been active in the movement for aboriginal rights since the 1950's, and in recent times was especially closely associated with the struggle of the Gurindji people for land rights at Wattie Creek.
The vigilance officer of the waterside section of the NAWU, Mr. Brian Manning, said: "In matters involving human rights, George Gibbs was always involved, both personally and financially."
In an editorial headlined "Death of a Battler", the Northern Territory News paid tribute to Mr. Gibbs, saying: "George Gibbs wrote his name quite deeply in the north's industrial history. It will not be forgotten."
Tribune joins in extending sympathy to his wife Moira and son Kerry.
'Gibbs, George Aubrey (1909–1969)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.
17 September,
5 September,
(aged 59)
Northern Territory,